Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Nice Day- Tired & Sick- but Nice Day Anyway

Today, my new class of kinders joined all of Kindergarten and went on our first field trip. It was fun! The kids, though typically squirmy and still immature as new kinders, were great, and made me proud! They have grown so much in just a few weeks already; as Kristen and I rode at the front of the bus on the way back "home to school" we looked at our kinderkids and discussed how much some had already grown and changed and improved. My thanks go to God for helping us through the rough first few days/weeks with these "babes" He's entrusted to us.

Rob has been sick these past few days with a sinus infection/cold/something. I've been trying to not burden him with my back problems. Rob has been so good to me, better than ever in our marriage! He will never know how much it meant to me that he willingly, and on his own desire, left work to take me to the Dr. last week. That's a first for him, ever in our marriage! I have tried to sleep in our bed, but it is causing extreme pain, so I am back to the recliner, for who knows how long- at least until for the time being. Rob has been sleeping on the floor in the family room on his sleeping bag just to "be near me" and to keep me company while I sleep. He is such a good husband to me! Things weren't always this way with us, but I am so glad that God kept us hanging on to each other in the bad times so we could get to these good times.

I came home from school with a terrible headache, and by the time I got back from taking kids to youth group, I have a fever, the chills, and severe sinus pain/pressure. Guess I got Rob's germs from across the room! Oh well, guess that's the price I'll have to pay for having such a great hubby! :) So now I sit here, feeling lousier than lousy, but I am so thankful for my husband and family.

And, it was a nice day, thanks to God, a great teaching assistant/student teacher/co-teacher/friend, a great group of kinderkids, & a wonderful family.

Thankfully His,
Rebekah :)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Please Watch This

The youth group at our church performed this video a couple weeks ago; the song is "Everything" by Lifehouse. Rob & I were very moved. Robert found it on the internet by other groups (below are two versions), and we have watched it again and cried again here at home. It was really hard for me as a former parent attempted suicide last year & I heard last month that she had killed herself. I couldn't help but think of all the kids and families I have worked with over the years. I wish I could share more of His love with them.... I wish they understood.....

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Back to Work I Go

Well, after five days of pain & four days of rest, laying around, and medicines, I'm back to school tomorrow. If I keep inactive and take it easy, I almost feel back to normal. I can't sit forward for very long, stand up, sit up straight, walk or move around much without feeling pain and the longer I go, the worse it gets. BUT, if I take it VERY easy, I feel pretty good. I haven't even taken pain medicine today and only at bedtime last night.

I'm not sure what's going to happen when I go back to work and have to do my job; teaching isn't exactly a sit down on your duff all day kind of job. But we'll see how it goes. I'm trusting God to help me not overdo, and to know if I need to call the Dr. back. I'm also trusting Him that He can just take care of this all in the first place and I won't have to do anything else, but use the brains He gave me. :)

So, now I'm working hard at Rob's school laptop (Thanks Rob!) in my recliner preparing my lesson plans, newsletter, teaching materials, and a bunch of other stuff I do every week, but don't think about until I am home a bit and, wow!, I realized tonight I do a lot of work for my job! :)


Rebekah the "gimpy" one! :)