Saturday, August 02, 2008

Home Again

We're home from our trip. Thank You God for safety and lots of great mommy/daughter time!!!

We saw these very pretty Brown Eyed Susans while on our way home today. These are my most favorite flower. I used to pick them wild for my own momma when we lived in Missouri. So it was a perfect way to end my trip today!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Road Trip Day 2

Day 2- We drove south towards the Smokies. We were going to see if we could catch the Smoky Mountain Train for a ride. Alas, we got to Bryson City, just in time to wave goodbye to it as it pulled away. :( Oh well, it was a fun drive there and beautiful mountains along the way, and we had lots of laughs and fun anyway. We drove around the town of Bryson City before heading back towards Cherokee and the Smokies National Park.
Found this along the path at an overlook area in the National Park. So pretty!

Such a beautiful creek right by the road we were driving on. I could have just sat there and watched it all day it was so peaceful. Just what I needed!

Welcome to the Cherokee Indian Reservation- this has been a lifelong dream of mine to come here. I could hardly believe I was there!!!! I don't know if it could ever be done, but I would love to be able to trace my genealogy far enough back to find my ancestors here. Doubtful, but still it was so neat to see this place.

These were members of the Dear Clan dancing today for visitors.
Here is Barbara's new bear, Mr. Smokey Bear. Yeah, like she needed yet another animal to take on our little trip. :) Here he was "helping" me drive through Cherokee.
Ever heard of Sequoyah? He was a Cherokee who created the written language for his people. I've read about him a couple times, a long time ago.
Throughout Cherokee, you will find bears decorated by local Cherokee artists. This bear was designed to represent Sequoyah; it is like a famous painting of him I have seen. Kind of neat!

Another bear

Just some flowers I saw outside a market in Cherokee that I liked.
Town Hall (I think???) in Bryson City, a neat little mountain town
Beautiful views as we climbed up the backroads in the mountains outside Maggie Valley, NC

More beautiful views- this time from Great Smokies National Park- so beautiful

This afternoon we took advantage of the tax-free weekend, and we went shopping and bought some school clothes for Barbara & Matthew. We came back to the hotel with Pizza Hut (we miss that!!!) and went swimming. I think Barbara is asleep now. She has crashed with her head on my knee while I've been uploading photos. :)
Thank You God for allowing us to take this trip, and for keeping us safe as we journeyed away from home without Rob and the boys. Though I've missed them a lot, I know this was the right thing for her and I to do. I needed to see Your beauty and creation and You. I needed to spend some time away from the city. I needed to have fun with my daughter, and meet her need for "Mommy time" which she has been asking for several times over the past week or two. This was what she needed, maybe more than I realized. And as we drove around, I realized that this time next year, she could be leaving me for college, so this was time to cherish with her. Thank You God for showing me that as well. Thank You for creating such a beautiful world and all that You made, for Your amazing and awesome power that can make all that we saw today. Thank You for everything.
Good night God.
Signing off from Asheville, Cherokee, the Smoky Mountains
Rebekah & Barbara :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Babs and Me on the Road

So, long story not told here, Barbara and I have left for our first mom & daughter road trip. We don't have a specific plan except to head southwest to the mountains to Asheville. Who knows what we'll end up doing, but we're sure to have some fun! I feel really guilty leaving Rob and the boys, but I know it's okay for them to have "dad" time and Barbara has been telling me she needs some "mom" time.
Here we are getting ready to go. Matthew kept wanting to make funny faces in the picture and made me laugh!
Rob has "racing-on-the-brain" syndrome. Here Matthew gives us the pit crew push for our send off, and Rob is directing us out of the driveway. :)

Barbara's Road Trip Menagerie- Rob & I came out of the house and found this in our back seat waiting for us to leave. Too cute!!! And, yes, these all came in the hotel with Barbara and me and are now sitting here on the bed with me. :)

I told Barbara, our first road trip rule was we had to take lots of photos- and lots of them goofy photos too. I took this one. Loved it!

Just what every road trip needs- snacks and a movie player. Barbara drug our portable dvd player with her to watch movies.
I am turning into a true southerner! I found myself backing into the hotel parking space before I realized it. Oh my!!! And, of course, I am a terrible driver in reverse- can you tell???? Barbara took this photo of my terrible parking job!
So that's it for our first night on the road! Signing off from Asheville, NC,
Barbara & Rebekah :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another First Tomorrow

Robert will attend orientation and college registration tomorrow at GTCC. Where has time gone? He is excited to get registered and find out what his schedule will look like. It will help some of the unknown we've been facing too with trying to figure out how he will get to school and home and what his needs will be. He still has things to figure out and work out, but at least now he/we will know what we are looking at schedule-wise.

Now, we're waiting on the Lord for a job for him to help meet his needs financially. God has taken care of everything else for him. Please God, bless Robert with a permanent and good job.

A Playdate- Hooray!

Yesterday we (the kids & I) had a "play" date- I haven't ever had one of those before. I know lots of moms who have them, but that term wasn't invented yet when I was a young mom I guess, or I just didn't really know too many other moms. Probably the latter, as I was a college student and very young mommy- how many 19/20/21 year olds do you know in college with 1, 2, or 3 infants & toddlers? :) I was truly crazy! :)

Anywhoooo, I digress.... Yesterday after I got off work from summer school, Maria and Autumn, and Noah came over and they brought Maria's brother, Adam, too. So Matthew had a new friend to hang out with, talk with, and PlayStation with. :) They hit it off great! Maria and I got to talk some when I wasn't playing Memory or Candyland with Autumn or flirting with Noah or when Maria wasn't changing diapers or feeding Noah. :) It was just a wonderfully nice afternoon. We talked a little about school and kids and money and kids and I don't even remember what all. We sat on the floor and played with Maria's kids, and my kids talked with Maria and me like the young adult people they are. It was a wonderful afternoon!!! I should tell anyone who might read this and who does not know that I am so truly, deeply honored to be Noah's godmother. Who would have ever thought it??? Me, a godmother?!?!!!

Noah is still a little shy around me and not sure if I am crazy or what. But truth be told, I'm not sure about that either. :) That is a sure sign of his intelligence. :) Ha! Ha! I was so thrilled to get a laugh and a few smiles too and some on camera! Barbara got to hold Noah :) and when they were leaving, we got kisses!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! That made my day!
Rob teases me and told me last week that when Tim & Maria asked me to be Noah's godmother, they didn't know I would adopt Autumn too. :) But hey, my excuse is that when we first moved here and I met Maria, Autumn was only a few months old, so I've known her almost her whole life. She's growing up into a very smart & adorable preschooler, and how can I not love her too? :) :) :)

Maria & Tim are such great parents!!!!

So, Maria, if you're reading this, THANKS for coming over to hang out and play and relax! I had a lot of fun with your family! And Tim & Maria, thanks again for honoring me to be a part of Noah's life and a small part of your family & friends! I love you guys!

P.S. Maria said I could post a few of the photos that I took yesterday of the kids too. Aren't they just cute, cute, cute? Thanks, Maria!

I just liked this picture. Noah just sat there for a while staring up at Barbara. Wonder what he was thinking? Hmmm....