Friday, June 18, 2010

Please Help Me Help My Kids

I wrote here a while back about trying to get some technology for my classroom- an LCD projector. I am totally thrilled to report that I received FULL FUNDING for this project a couple weeks ago. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so thankful to God for blessing me and for all the family, friends, and strangers that helped me!!!! If you were one of those, please accept my deepest thanks!

I have written another grant for some tech hardware that will turn my classroom whiteboard into a giant mousepad- interactive with my personal laptop through this new LCD projector. I can do some pretty neat stuff with it- make my lessons more interactive, create lessons for students to work on while I teach in another part of the room, and more stuff I have to learn about as I get going here on my adventure into technology in the classroom! I am super, super excited!!!

The price tag is a bit hefty, but if I can get 231 people to each give $5 I can get this baby funded and into my classroom. I am trying to find donors that can help me have this wonderful tool so that I can start the school year ready to roll and get my new kids pumped up about technology and learning.

Can you help me spread the word? If you know anyone who might give anything - even $1- would you pass this info/link on? If you know anyone who would be willing to email this note or pass my info/link on to their friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, bosses, businesses, etc. would you pass it on to them? WITH MY THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend!

BekaBoo/Rebekah :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

a great day & summer cleaning

I am having a wonderful day with my young people. :) We went to Biscuitville together for breakfast and then went to get Rob's gift for Fathers' Day. It was so nice as the kids and I are going in on something nice together- something Rob wants, but I can't say more now, not yet. :) Barbara wanted to look for a swimming suit and the boys didn't want to wait on her to try them on, so she & I went back to Walmart for some "mommy time" as she calls it. Hit the post office & bank in there too. We had lunch together at home and then have all been working on deep cleaning together.

Matthew helped me move EVERYTHING out of my kitchen & bathroom except the table so I could deep clean the floors. I know this might sound silly, but I love the smell of Pine-Sol. :) And I LOVE having tile floor so I can just dump soapy water on and scrub. Barbara is tackling the laundry pile and the laundry room. Robert scrubbed down all the downstairs doors and the walls & baseboards in the bathroom and kitchen. I still need to rinse the floor- the water was awfully soapy, but boy is it going to look great (for a day- hahaha), and then Matthew will have to help me put everything back.

We are doing a little bit each day, and in about a week my house is going to look 100% awesome again! I don't know about any other teachers, but spring cleaning always seems to get put off here until it's a summer cleaning.

Well, it's time for my little friends to arrive for babysitting and tutoring time. I better get going. Hope the floor is ready to rinse soon. I'm getting a bit high on the smell of Pine-Sol. :) hahahaha

Hope wherever you are, it is a wonderful summer day for you too!
BekaBoo :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Day 1

Today was my 1st day of summer vacation; my summer school job fell through due to the state budget crunch. So this summer, I am working from home- babysitting, tutoring & working on my card business. Today I:
  • slept in until 8:30- aaahhhh, how awesome that was!
  • did a grocery run for the rest of the month's food with Barbara & Matthew
  • went to Walmart and picked up some cloth & thread- found a simple pattern for smocked sundresses- going to try to make one and see if I can do it well enough to sell some to help our family's summer budget
  • babysat & tutored my two buddies- oh what fun! We walked to the neighborhood playground and Robert, Barbara, & Matthew went with us too :), had our "school time," made a card for the kids' dad, and after all that the two little ones & I played with Mr. Potato Head & his friends and then we made a tent for them to play in.

Tomorrow I need to work on homework BIG TIME! We are also going to go pick out Rob's Father's Day gift. Though I needed the job, I am thankful for the time I also truly need to rest and relax. My body had hit its limit this year! God knows what we need more than we do! :) So glad He sees it all even when I don't!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The year is over.

Thanks to my two youngest children, Barbara & Matthew, I am done! They helped me pack my room up, clean, pitch and move everything to one corner as we're supposed to do every summer. I was able to walk out today and won't have to go back until I am ready to start reorganizing and moving to wherever I am going next, once that is decided.

I had many moments this year when I didn't think I would get to this point, but God helped me get through it all. Now I can reflect on the year, figure out what I am going to do next year, rest, exercise & take better care of me, and focus on being a wife & mom, babysitting & tutoring, and my grad studies.

Thank you Father for helping me get to this point. I am so grateful.