Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sweet Sunday

I'm back. :) I don't know why I haven't gone blabbing on here or posted photos sooner. I made it through the end of the school year (one of the worst, busiest, stressful times of the school year), survived my goodbyes, had a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL (but very short) weekend visit with my family, made it through Matthew's graduation and the cookout/party the following weekend. And a packing up my room to get ready to move classrooms/buildings again, and then a week of literacy training. Oh, and a surprise, AWESOME visit from my cousin, Regina, and her family one day as they were passing through the state on vacation. :) :) :)
And then, I don't know, I've just been a mix of blah, kind of "aaahhhh" relaxed, kind of just being a bum. I have watched my kids play video games, but never could get the hang of the controllers, then I found a computer version of Plants vs. Zombies, and I've been playing it and just been an at-home with my hubby, hanging around the house, going for walks, kind of bum this past week. I don't think I have EVER done that before!

So here I am. I will be back tomorrow or Tuesday to share photos from graduation and our family portraits. I just figured I better come back and say something. For tonight I will just say this has been the nicest Sunday in a long time- church, lunch out at Elizabeth's Pizza (yummy!) with Barbara, Matthew, and Rob, cooking a French roast with Robert, a short Sunday nap (haven't taken one of those in months and months and months- oh so nice!), finishing cooking a delicious supper, a movie with Rob and Robert, and then a walk just the three of us and Samson. Now I'm going to shower, climb in bed and read a book. :)