Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let Summer Come :)

I am taking the last day of workdays off. :)  I have to work in July- probably 2 weeks- and several days in early August and then we go back by mid-August, so I am ready to have some time to relax!  Today my two younger kids helped me finish up and we sorted all my math file folder/teacher made games.  I have a lovely tub for K, 1st, and 2nd all sorted and labeled by the math objective/standards.  I will have to sort the literacy stuff in the fall, but for now I turned in my key and walked away.

I don't know what grade for sure I will be in; I have been told where I'm likely to go and it will mean moving grades and classrooms again for the 5th year in a row- ugh!.  I don't want to go for a lot of reasons, and I'm praying that something changes.  I'm praying that I will be okay with whatever happens and that the issues I have with the move will be removed for me.

I enjoyed the afternoon with Barbara & Matthew.  We went out to eat some yummy Mexican food after school, came home and relaxed a little bit then did some cleaning and rearranging up in the hallway. I finally got started moving stuff into Robert's old closet. :)  Tomorrow I will move my craft things up to the hallway area and try to get it organized and my kitchen closet uncluttered (it's become a huge pile of everyone's stuff just thrown in).  Rob cooked tonight, and he, Matthew and I just got done with a short bike ride/walk.

Looking forward to this summer; it will be very different with a lot of time for just Rob and I that we've never had before. We got married very young and started our family early, so it's always been us and the kids.  This two of us thing will be new but good. :)   I've bought myself a Nook and a bunch of books (pleasure reading and teacher reading) so I'm looking forward to reading for myself again.  I am enjoying my Nook so far! :)  I also plan to really get acquainted with the Common Core as it will be consuming everything this year at school.

Oh, and two other exciting things I wanted to share -  Barbara got her driver's license! YIPEE!!!!!  She is now driving and super excited!  And I seem to be really losing weight.  :)  I haven't said much to anyone and I don't want to jinx it.  I've got a long way to go, but the scale and my clothes are saying that I'm slowly going the right way.

So Summer 2012- let's get it started!  We're going to have a lot of fun!