Sunday, September 19, 2010


I HAVE to go to bed- it is already 11 PM. But I wanted to quick post a couple "Whew!" moments for myself.
  • I finished my sister's baby shower invites last night/this morning at 1 AM!!! Hooray!!! By far the biggest, most involved single project I've done, and I am in love with my little card. I can't show them yet, but when the shower comes, I will be posting it.
  • I am seriously behind in this semester's grad course- it's getting to the "I'm in trouble" point, and if I'd had a couple of my other profs, I'd now be failing the course, but thank God for an understanding, very laid-back prof this semester. Truly God knows what we need, and I needed that this semester with a major grade change, taking on a babysitting job and Donors Choose job and the rest of my busy life. Thanks God, I'm truly thankful!!!!!
  • I got my first grade back for this semester, and it was an excellent grade and the prof was extremely complimentary to me about my work, so whew again, and yup- thanks once more dear God!
  • I'm getting over this sinus crud, and except for a horrible incident at a fast food joint in the "hood" yesterday which I will spare you the details of, I am finally getting better. Still coughing, still congested, but not nearly as bad as it was three or four days ago. Again, thank you Father!
So, now I'm off to bed- lesson plans done (except for guided reading, but I am making a change in the room and am going to play the "Enforcer" tomorrow in the place of guided reading). My kids last week (over half of them) lied about doing their week's work so they could have Fun Friday. I found incomplete papers shoved in the garbage can where kids thought they'd be sneaky. Soooo, this week- no more Mrs. Nice Guy. Boy, this 3rd grade world is so way different. I'm understanding that old advice teachers give about "Don't let them see you smile until December..." I notice I don't smile as often as I used to, but overall it is getting better. I just can't let my guard down.

Night world. Hope you all have a wonderful week. In spite of the garbage from "above," I am hoping to have one too.