Thursday, August 13, 2009

Woo Hoo!!!!

My old coworker, Kristen, was scheduled for a c-section today to deliver her 1st baby. She was a "stinker" and wouldn't tell anyone what she was having; she & Andrew wanted it to be a surprise. So we've all waited and waited to find out. She had told me the names they had chosen for whichever child they had, but I wasn't getting my hopes up for a boy or a girl for her. I just wanted her to deliver safely, have a healthy baby, and be able to get back to her normal life (she's had gestational diabetes and been giving herself insulin shots and lots of other stuff I'm sure I have no clue about)... I just found out a few minutes ago that she delivered a baby girl, and she is named after me. :) Elizabeth Rebekah

Wow!!!! What an honor that is. I mean really. To name your child after someone, especially someone who is not even family or your very best friend... I'm so... I can't even say.

I'm going to see Kristen and meet Elizabeth tomorrow. If she'll let me, I'll post a photo or two of them here tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trying Something New

So, I have been trying something new, a creative outlet for myself. I like to try different crafts, but never have much time. So in an effort to learn to take better care of me, find a way to relax, and all that stuff.... I have started making cards. I'm trying to teach myself some new things (maybe you can teach an old dog a few new tricks...)

Momma and Jessica really liked the cards I made for them and went on and on about them. So, I got either very brave or very stupid and started an etsy site to try to sell some of my little creations. I started my store on Monday night really late, and less than 24 hours later, I had my first purchase. I have been working hard tonight to make more cards to sell plus a few for gifts and such. I'm attaching some photos of some of my creations and the link to my etsy site.

Please pray I can make this work for us. It'd be a really neat way to supplement our income and help my hubby not have to work so many part time jobs. I'd love to do this as my second job and then Rob could cut back to just one "second" part time job himself.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Big Day

It was another one of those "milestone days" here at the Thomas household. :) Our 2nd child, Barbara Rose, registered for her 1st semester at the local community college. Our baby girl is now an official college student! She has registered for six classes/18 hours. Let's see if I can remember all her courses: Expository Writing, Math something???, Western Civilization, Intro to Sociology, Public Speaking, and Literature of the Theater. Whew, I think I did it! :)
our college girl!

While I was cooking this evening, Matthew and I saw two goldfinches enjoying our sunflower patch. They stayed for quite a while looking for and munching on yummy seeds grown by us. :) This was the view right out of my kitchen sink window.

We had to do some work in both our classrooms today, and I had a dr.'s appointment at Wake today too. On our way home from Winston, Rob & I stopped at the farmers' market and bought a bunch of green tomatoes, ripe tomatoes, fresh green beans, and a HUGE box of peaches. YUM!!! I cooked fried green tomatoes and the green beans tonight, and tomorrow I'm making peach cobbler! I can't wait!!!

This is a silly photo, but for my momma. This is that ANCIENT crock pot that we adopted from you ages ago. It has gone the route of that 30 year old blender of yours I used for forever and cried when it broke. :) The crock pot finally died too. It gave its life preparing one last meal for our family. This thing is almost as old as me if not older. I don't even know when momma got it, but it's been around for as long as I can remember.
Then tonight, Barbara & I worked on our mother-daughter craft project. We tore several yards of material into these strips/rags. Can you guess what we're going to make? You can leave a comment and guess for fun if you want. I'll tell you soon.