Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday adventures

I have more school work to do than I can get done, and I should have been doing it, but instead I dreamed up some crazy scheme to rearrange our furniture a little to make a tiny bit more floor space/moving room around the living room in the hopes that it will give us a little more room for our family that is coming to see Matthew graduate. So my sweet family all pitched in and between Dad's taxi service for two to McDonald's and back for their work shifts and Robert & I running to get groceries and go to Lowe's, we got it all done.

Next weekend I want to take the bare wall that is left from the bookcases being moved and make a photo wall, then this room will look much better I think! Rob is so patient with me. I know he didn't really want to do all that mess of work- taking three bookshelves' contents off, moving the bookcases to other rooms and reassembling them, taking one t.v. shelf apart to take to his school, moving the piano and tons of books, photos.... He did it all without a sigh as did the kids (for the most part)! :) :) :) Thanks family o' mine!!!!

So, maybe I better get on the school tasks that are screaming at me. Lesson plans - due Monday, report cards & PEP's- due Friday, and preparations for another week of EOG testing- ugh! Plus I want to make a movie for my class; I did this last year and the kids and parents LOVED it! And I need to prepare end of year awards and plan the party for class. So much to do, not enough time, but soon it will be over!

Happy Memorial Day to you!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Matthew's senior/graduation photos

I am sooooo happy with these- I just cannot say. Thank you Hearfelt Portraits; you did a terrific job!!! Most of all I am so proud and so in love with our son, Matthew Lane Thomas!!!!!! :) :) :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Smorgasbord Post

So belly up to the table. I'm rambling away in my head, so here goes. :)

Can't get Joplin and the other towns hit so hard by tornadoes out of my mind. I stayed up waaaay late last night because when I said I was going to sleep I happened to see that the Joplin area was getting hit by bad storms and possibly another tornado. I started praying and kept updating the weather page I was on to see what was happening. Next thing I know it was midnight and I was still awake praying. Guess that might be silly, I don't know. But I did it and boy, was I tired today. Doubt God moved a storm all on account of me, but oh well.

Tonight the storms are in the area where we are from and where our families are. Praying for all of them tonight and those communities too.

Last night Momma texted to check on us as she'd heard on the news that our area was getting bad storms. Tonight I called to check on her and asked Rob to check on his mom. We are Midwesterners through & through. Grown up and lived there our whole lives. Never thought about storms like this before- they happen all the time; you get used to watching the weather, being aware of what's going on, and living life. Just makes me think about living my life the way I ought to and reminds me that each day I get to wake up is a blessing and one I ought not to waste. That old song says, "I don't know who holds tomorrow, but I know who holds my hand." Important thing to know in times like these.

My smiley list for right now:
  • Two weeks from tomorrow, we will all be reunited again- the N.C. part of our family and the Illinois part of our family, and I can HARDLY wait!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
  • Two weeks from tomorrow will be my last day with students and we will have our celebration. I will be missing our last day for the first time in my life as a teacher to stay home with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and niece. Though I am taking the day off, we will be going over to the school so the kids can meet Zoe and the rest of my family and for me to wave goodbye to my kids on the bus lot as they leave for the year. This year my Momma, Pop, and sister will join me and be with me at a very emotional moment for me. I hope they can see the love my kids & I share and why I do what I do.
  • Sidebar- We teachers all do this every year, line up along the bus gates and wave to the kids as they leave. The kids all hang out the windows shouting to us. I cry, I am the only teacher that does, and I do it every year. I can't help myself. They take away a piece of me, and I cry to see them go. I worry about them, I love them, and yes, in spite of it all this year, I will miss them. Today one of my kids said, "You wave to us kids every year don't you? You cry too, don't you, Mrs. T.? Will you be there to wave goodbye to us? Will you cry when you say goodbye to us?" Hmmm.... I hope they know how much I really do love them in spite of their ornery side, their stealing, cussing, fighting, lying.... I really do love them. I can't help myself. :) Jesus loves me; guess He can't help Himself either. I really am so thankful for that.
  • Two weeks and two days from today our "baby" will graduate from high school. I plan to make that whole weekend as special and fun for us all as I can. We're getting family photos done at the Arboretum, and I'm looking forward to that! I want to make as many memories and write them in my heart and mind. Can't wait! Did I say that already? :)
  • Three weeks from today and I will be temporarily "free" (sort of) of some of this insanity called NCLB, AYP, EOG..... I will have training the two weeks after school is out and then again in August, so I don't really have much time off, but at least July is looking slow. Praying they don't find any training for us to have to attend in July. I plan to read, spend time with my family, read, make lots of cards, walk & ride my new bike, read, enjoy my flowers, eat homegrown, fresh tomatoes to my heart's content, read, go to the farmers' market when I want to, and relax, and oh yeah, read. :)
Well, folks that's it for tonight. Love to you all and wherever you are I pray you are safe from the real storms and the other ones life can throw at us.

Beka :)