Saturday, September 03, 2011

God is love!!!!

Oh wow, I just got done writing and then watched this video my sister sent me. Talk about timing and reading each other's minds! :)

God is love!!!!

Christians give God a black eye sometimes. :(

Disclaimer: I am a Christian, but I have NEVER claimed to be much of one- in fact, I am often saying how I am not a good Christian. I know that I am sinful, have major issues, and am a long way from where I want to be, let alone far from the mark God wants me to be. And because of that, I don't go around spouting scriptures or trying to tell others how to live their lives. I know that I am a full time job and am no expert in a position to tell others how it is supposed to be done.

Now, on to my soap box. :)

First of all, I know Facebook is not a place for truly intelligent conversations. A while back, I "liked" the Bible page on FB. A few weeks ago, there was this huge, ugly debate there about tattoos. It was truly ugly. People were quoting verses from Leviticus right & left and saying how people with tattoos were going to hell, that God hates tattoos, etc. Other people were quoting a scripture in Revelations that talks about Jesus returning with a mark on his thigh (and saying that sounded like a tattoo)... It truly got to the ridiculous point. I broke my policy of not talking religion and politics, and stupidly commented with some scripture about how we are supposed to love one another and isn't that the way we are known... A couple days later it was still going on and I stupidly again posted a comment about how it was wrong for Christians to be tearing each other up so much. I will NEVER again break that policy of mine. Just dumb. People that stuck in their ideas aren't likely to be convinced anyway. I just get upset. Moving on. I now no longer "like" the Bible- at least on FB. :) That just kind of cracks me up. I do like the Bible though, so don't worry.

Today I see on Casting Crowns page this comment, "Well I've been thoroughly rebuked for mentioning Amazon since apparently they sell books written by sinners. Go figure." Seriously??? Give me a break! I'm just not going there. But really people.

I think a lot of judgmental Christians either need to read or reread the gospels. They must have missed Jesus' life. Folks, he ate and associated and "hung out" with SINNERS- oh my!!!! People accused Him of being a drunkard because of who He associated with. Jesus did not condemn people (oh so many he could rightly have done so too). He didn't cast the first stone, he ate at the tax collector's house, he was friends with a prostitute. Maybe I have it all wrong, but it sounds to me like this Jesus we find in the gospels wouldn't have been liked by our modern-day church people either. Oh my, maybe He would even have had a tattoo. He probably would have hung out with the homeless, he might even have listened to rap music- you never know.

What I do know is that He told us to LOVE. He loved people from young to old, sick to healthy, poor to wealthy. He wept over a city filled with people who didn't know the truth. Over and over and over in the letters of the New Testament, I keep reading "love, love, love, love...." We are known by our love. We are to love our brothers and sisters. We are His if we keep His commandment to love... I think LOVE was a big deal to Jesus and still is.

So why do we go around beating each other up, what in the world do we expect the "outside" to think???? We represent Christ, God's love, and we supposedly want to bring others to know Him. Well, I know if you were telling me you were some follower of a great teacher but you acted rude, called each other names, told each other where to go (as it were), I would think your teacher was awful and have nothing to do with him/her. As a public school teacher, if my students say I'm the best but they go around unable to read, not able to do basic math, write horribly, the public would say I'm not a good teacher. The same thing is happening every time we Christians tear each other down.

It can't please God at all. I think it has to hurt His heart a great deal. And though I'm so far from what I need to be too, it all just makes me sick. To be honest, it's a lot of why I'm just done with church. I go, and will continue to work on improving that, but sometimes my heart is just not in it and this is mostly why.

God, help me to not judge others and be this way. Help me to change my own sinful ways. Let me not give You a bad reputation or black eye with my words and deeds. Help me to bring You honor through my life and the example I live. I know I have a long way to go, but help me get there.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Out of the blue...

I had a good day at school. I am enjoying my new students. My daughter and son have volunteered a lot and helped me much more than I could ever say or repay! I came home and have had a nice evening with my husband and Matthew.

Then out of the blue, it hits me. It hasn't been here for a few days. And now it's back. And I hate it. I wish it would go away. Maybe I'm just pyscho.

And, why, I ask myself, am I doing this tonight? Why did the blues hit me hard? Because somebody said something and it made me feel like they think I failed. I'm tired of being told, "You're back where you belong." I can't tell you how many times I've heard that in the past month. And, I don't know why that statement bothers me at all, except that it makes me feel like all these people think I sucked and failed last year. I'm tired of hearing about bad teachers and how badly our school sucks, and then to hear it from people I like or look up to, and I'm hearing it more and more from people I care about. I know my school is a "failing school," and I don't make excuses. I am HARDER on myself than anyone could ever be to themselves. I don't think anybody could push themselves more than I do myself. Yeah, I agree that graduation rates and test-pass rates around the nation are atrocious. I just am struggling to understand how that many teachers are that bad. And am I one of them?

I think anybody who knows me knows I CARE about my kids, probably more than most. But what if that's not enough, because these days it seems it's not in most people's books. And caring a lot doesn't give the almighty test score a boost, and that's all that matters.

I hope I wake up with "it" gone because right now I am just very, very blah.

On a happier note:
  • I am so thankful for my WONDERFUL young people. I have the BEST kids in the whole wide world!!!!! Barbara & Matthew have been volunteering in my classroom and helped me tremendously get moved and unpacked and set up. My new kids love Barbara & Matthew too, which is sweet! :)
  • Thanks to my kids' help and a lot of work on my part, I am more organized than I've ever been in all my years of teaching- even with two grades in one room!
  • My classroom looks nicer than ever before, and I've gotten lots of compliments on it. It's so nice to walk into each morning- just makes me smile. And at the end of the day, I know it's silly, but I just look around my room because it looks so good. :)
  • My new class- they're sweet and eager and my biggest problem, so far, is some chattiness and a class clown or two. No violence, no racial slurs, no fighting and bullying, no drugs or weapons. Refreshing!
  • Charlotte, who co-taught with me last year and still believes in me- she will never know how much that means to me. She doesn't think less of me and still wants to be my teaching partner. :)
  • A 4th grade teacher came to me today and what she said just touched my heart so deeply. She probably will never know how much it meant to me too, but being needed and helping others just makes my day. And she made mine! :)
  • Payday- we made it to payday. Sure we are major overdrawn and behind on bills; we didn't have enough to make it all the way, but we made it. Thank God for a job and for money coming back in once again, even if it is less money than last year.

Limeades for Learning- please vote

I'm needing to get serious about work stuff- have Donors Choose screening to do, lesson plans to write, assessments to score and analyze, spelling words to upload online, and bills to pay (thank God, we made it to paydays again!)...

But I have to put my plug in (sorry to seem like such a beggar). It's that time of year again when Sonic does their Limeades for Learning deal. This is such an awesome way to help a teacher you know & love or even one you don't know or love, and it doesn't cost you a dime! :)

All you have to do is go here and vote every day with every email you have. You have one vote per email each day. Plus if you do visit Sonic between now & Sept. 30, you will also get a code to enter online for a bonus vote.

If you don't know any teachers who have projects on Donors Choose, I just "happen" to know a lot of teachers who would love to get some wonderful teaching resources and materials for their students. Here are a few:

  • My hubby & best friend, Rob is trying to get netbooks to create a mini computer lab in his classroom. This project is for one netbook.
  • Mrs. Hauck is a fourth grade teacher at my school. This is her first Donors Choose project ever, and I would sure like to help her get it funded!!!! :) She is asking for funds to purchase Time for Kids newspapers for her students to read and take home.
  • I have a couple projects live right now, this one is for an iPod. I'm hoping to build a small set of iPods to use as a learning station as well as to use in having kids record themselves reading and listen to audiobooks and music. I'm trying to get them one at a time.
  • There are lots of other great projects out there. You can search the site by state, city, county, school. If you are looking for other great teachers, search High Point, NC, Allen Jay Elementary!
Many thanks!!!!

Rebekah :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricanes and Other Things

Irene has come & gone, and other than a very windy day we didn't see anything here in our neck of NC. I have been keeping tabs on one friend to see if they made it through alright. I emailed a second cousin to check on her before/after, but haven't heard from her. I'm guessing she's okay, just without power, but I know her area was hit hard. I watched a photo slide show from the areas of NC & southeastern VA that were hit. OH MY!!!! It was so surreal to see photos of the Outer Banks and Morehead City. Oh, how I love that area- so beautiful!!! I just kept calling Rob, "Come look at this! Rob, come see this!" There were photos of Highway 12 that runs through the OBX, and the ocean has washed the road away in several places!!! I am praying for all the families who have lost loved ones or suffered losses from this storm.

Irene brought me a gift this weekend too. But first, I have to back up a little bit, or a lot.

I was pretty quiet in high school, just sat as far back as I could in class and prayed to not be noticed. I was in the honors classes and graduated high in my class. I knew all the kids I was in classes with, but usually sat there quietly watching and listening and never interacted much with any of them. They were all popular, partied and did things together. I was just the nerdy, shy girl in there with them. I didn't think that any of them would even really remember me, let alone like me. Hmmm... you couldn't get me to relive those teenaged years again for any price in the world!!!! I even graduated early because I was so lonely and miserable in high school.

Fast forward all these years later (23 to be exact) and lo & behold, a few of them do remember me and are now my FB friends. Who'd a thunk it? :) Certainly not me!

Sarah lives in the Norfolk, VA, area. Her hubby is in the Navy and is stationed out there. He had to go with the helicopters before the storm hit, and she decided to leave and not ride the storm out in case in got bad. She FB'd me and next thing you know she was headed to G'boro! So Saturday morning, she pulled up and hopped out, and she hasn't changed much at all- still the ever-present smile I remembered from class all those years ago! It was so nice! We tried to feed her a good home-cooked meal and chatted. Barbara was excited to meet Sarah too, and we ladies had a good time! I was surprised because it didn't feel like I was meeting a stranger I sort of knew from years gone by (which is what I would have expected), but it felt like I was meeting a friend I haven't seen in years. That's, I'm sure due to FB where we've been able to get to know each other a little. And as we talked I realized how a lot of those silly teenaged insecurities were for nothing as everyone else was dealing with their own very similar insecurities and issues. Oh, if this Rebekah could go talk to that one!

And the rest of the weekend- well it was normal life stuff- Donors Choose screenings, lesson plan writing... yeah, like that. And may I just say that I forgot that it is a bit challenging to fit two grades' lesson plans into mine. I am going back and forth between two grade levels' curriculum planners, two grades' lesson plans, plus a lot of other resources too. I better get going- newsletter, seating charts, reading logs, and more are still waiting on me.

One funny thing before I go. Saturday afternoon, while the wind was gusting pretty good and the clouds were swirling around (the sum total of the non-drama we saw from Irene), I heard an ice cream truck go through our neighborhood, and I PROMISE, I'm not lying, it was playing "Silent Night!" In August, with a hurricane brewing just an hour away and the wind, clouds, humidity churning up here quite a bit. I was sure that if I looked out my window, I'd see Rod Serling telling me I had just entered "the Twilight Zone." :)