Saturday, March 28, 2009

Of Rain, Cleaning, Gardening, and Cell Phones

Saturday, busy Saturday.

Today, so far,
  • we've taken the girls to school for Saturday school & picked them up (of course, you didn't think I'd actually leave them there did you? ;P)
  • been to Wally-world for last minute items we need for today
  • dug up and moved two carloads of trees & plants (things at the old house that we had bought & planted or my parents had brought us from the midwest )
  • transplanted 9 hostas, 1 fern, the herb garden Matthew & I started at the old house, two echinacea, my two "Mothers' Day trees" that the kids & Rob got me (my peach tree & dwarf Japanese maple tree), the Mexican heather, a mum, three clumps of lambs ear (Barbara says I have a love affair with this plant), Pop's hen & chicks that he brought me from his yard, and five clusters of daffodils. Matthew & I worked in the rain & were sopping wet messes when we finished putting them in the ground, but it's done now & just in time for the good, heavier rain that is now moving in
  • cleaned the oven & stove & frig at the old house & taken the frig out for our neighbor to use
  • shampooed two rooms' carpets
  • loaded & moved two more car loads of stuff
  • trashed one cell phone! Somehow in all this craziness, I forgot to take my cell phone out of my dress pocket. When Matthew loaded our filthy clothes in the washing machine after our yard work, I totally forgot the phone was in my pocket. So now I'm without a cell phone. That's the first time I've done something quite that stupid with my phone! YIKES!!!! Good going Rebekah!

Now, Rob is working with James (a neighbor at our old house who "just happens" to be a contractor and offered to come help Rob & teach Rob how to fix this mess of ceilings we have after the "great flood of 2009." ;) ;)

In a few, Matthew & I are taking Robert to work and heading back to finish cleaning the kitchen & bathroom floors & shampooing the hall & front room and load the last carload of stuff to bring over. Then we will be done, except to turn in the keys and say a last goodbye to our home for over 3 1/2 years.

I'm sick, hurting, and more tired than I can say. But we are truly just about to be done. I'll have one closet crammed with stuff to unpack- much of that is pictures and wall things to put up. Then I have to figure out how to set up the computer area, and we'll be done.

I'm SOOOOOO very ready for moving to be done and life to sort of get back to just the "normal" craziness. This is very tiring!

So, with about five minutes more to go before I have to leave again, I'm signing off. Enjoy your weekend, wherever you are!

Rebekah :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hodge Podge

This is going to be a hodge podge of nothing important. My brain is mush- well, okay more than normal mush. ;)
  • God helped us out in a HUGE way!!! James (a neighbor at the other house) came over to look at the damage at the new house last night, then came back tonight to help Rob work on it, and is coming back tomorrow to do more. Hopefully in a few days, we'll have our ceilings back to normal and hopefully not to far down the road we'll have our floor back in like new shape. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I am sick!!!! I have not much voice- it keeps coming and going, and it hurts big time to talk, to swallow, to eat... I am getting sicker I am afraid, but praying this goes away quickly. I don't have time for this right now. My back is better but still hurting, but I'm thankful for better anyway!
  • I am emotional today- well more than normal. I miss my daddy. Then I missed my momma & pop and thought a lot today about my life....
  • I am hurting for some kids in my life, wishing I could do more for them to make their lives be what they ought to be, what every kid should have, but so many don't.
  • I am aggravated at "teachers" as a whole. Between two teachers in this house and listening to things said to my girls and in my girls classes by other teachers, well I just get so tired and it brings me down, it truly does. Every child, no matter what they act like, look like, where they come from, who their parents are or what their parents do, EVERY child deserves some basic respect and kindness. Every human being on the planet needs that, no matter how young or how old, how rich or how poor, no matter their circumstances in life. Okay, enough on that. That will have to be another post, another day.
  • I am blessed, so very blessed, and I know I don't deserve it. I am so utterly thankful for what I have been given in life (not just the material things, but really the "other stuff" which is more important anyway).

So with these random things I'm off to check on some kids I know, try to clear up a little of the mess that is my house, now a construction zone once again, and head to bed sooner than later I hope. We have to find a way to finish up at the other house and get it cleaned and ready soon; we're almost out of days.

Night God. Night world.

Rebekah :)

P.S. Daddy, I miss you. Happy "Going to Heaven Day."

Monday, March 23, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

I'm sick and don't feel like much tonight. I've decided that I'm just not a grown-up person; I am great with kids, but not so much with all the rest. Oh well.

Anywhoo, on to something very urgent & important. Please say a prayer for this little baby, Stellan. He is VERY, VERY sick with heart problems. You can read more about his life so far. God has already moved in his life and healed him once, but he is once again in a life-threatening condition and needs a miracle. Please pray for him and his family and if you can, go read his momma's blog.


Rebekah :)