Thursday, January 27, 2011

My hubby, the practical joker

As I type, my hubby is playing a practical joke on our oldest. He has been secretly pouring salt in Robert's coffee right in plain sight, but Robert hasn't noticed yet. He just went in the kitchen, and Rob starting just emptying a salt shaker into his coffee. I am about to die laughing and trying to not give it away. :) hahahahahahahaha- He finally drank some coffee. Hilarious!!!!!!!

I love this family! I wonder if he'll start pranking me when the kids are gone. I'm going to work on that- I'll have to start joining him or think of ways we can prank our kids together still. ;)

We had the grade level " planning/data day" today- oh how interesting that was. Yeah. 'Nuf said.

I came home and made chicken/bean tacos- YUMMY- and ate some more delicious pico de gallo- I could eat that stuff every day I think! Good stuff! And now, we play pranks on each other and laugh, so I am content. :)

My :) list for today:
  • I make myself laugh and sometimes, others too. I like that. Mandy and I sat together today and that was helpful, and we made each other laugh at times- we needed that today!!!
  • I spoke up a couple times today- it didn't get me far, but I tried.
  • I had my own private rebellion- on the inside- and it felt good. I didn't do anything ugly or not Christ-like; I didn't harm anyone else, but it sure helped me get through the day! :) If I told you here, well you'd see that "real me" I keep trying to tell people about. So I won't tell you (I'll be a hypocrite), and I will just let you think I'm nice. :) hahahahahahhahahaha- insert wicked laugh here
See you later! I'm off to try to walk, work on some grad school, and hopefully go to bed & sleep tonight! :) Thank God tomorrow is Friday!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

busy, busy, busy

Tomorrow is an all-day meeting for the third grade team; not sounding like it will be a great day, but I'm going to try to get through it as best I can.

After school today I:
  • dealt with a continuing tech issue that has been a major problem all year- a Palm Pilot I'm supposed to have to do assessments, but have had a broken one. I finally got one today and had to have a little help to get it connected to the software, but it's FINALLY up & running, and on Friday I can start trying to catch up to my teammates and get these tests done!
  • picked up Barbara at the Y where she has her swimming course (next to the community college) & headed off to Wally-world.
  • ate Matthew's yummy stir-fry/rice dinner! THANK YOU Matthew for cooking dinner for us! :)
  • made a big bowl of pasta salad to take to our meeting tomorrow & then my boys helped me make a big bowl of pico de gallo as someone asked me to make that too. I LOVE cooking with my boys!!!!
  • went for a walk with my hubby! :) It's a cool, rainy evening and I'm tired, but we made it. :) I LOVE my husband!!!! He is my best friend, and the one who really "gets it" with me. I'm so thankful for you, Rob, not that you'll ever see this. :)
Now I've got paperwork to do for school, and then I'm going to try to put off the rest of my to-do list for another day and head to bed. Grad school will hopefully keep for another night. Yikes!!! I've got to be up early so I can get everything ready for the sub, and get all my food into the meeting place and get my paperwork and self ready for our meeting. I kind of feel like I'm going into the fiery furnace, but that's probably a little melodramatic. :) :) :)

My list for today:
  1. I walked just over 2 miles today at work alone!!!! WOW!!!! By the time I hit the sack tonight I'll have over 4 miles on my pedometer!!!! :) :) :)
  2. I must be a good mom. I see my kids and their love for me & how concerned they are for me, how they want to come to my defense. It's sweet and really touches me!!! I did something right in raising them because they are really, TRULY wonderful young adults!!!
  3. I had a better attitude today and didn't get too angry today. Momma & I were sort of talking through FB last night about this, and that anger isn't bad, but I always feel horribly, HORRIBLY guilty when I get mad. Working on this though.
  4. I made one of my boys laugh at lunch today when he saw me humming a song and dancing around with another student. :) I think he was surprised to see his teacher like that. Someone asked him, "What, you didn't know Mrs. Thomas was cool?" He shook his head and grinned. :)
Paperwork is calling me. Pray for our team tomorrow. It promises to be quite an "interesting" day.

Rebekah :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

My :) List

It's been a hard day, and I really don't want to say much, but I was thinking about my little blog this morning and remembered that I'm supposed to be putting down some positives about me when I write. I haven't done that the last couple posts. So before my accountability friends catch me :), I am putting down what I can think of for today. It's not much, but it's better than nothing.
  • I continue to walk and take care of me. I even got myself a pedometer. I walk waaaay more at school than I realized! I realize for those of you who are very active, this will not be much, but I just didn't realize how much walking around I did at school! I put in a mile today at work and that was on a testing/guarded time day with no playground time, no specials and such! My kids were so curious about what I was wearing, and then SERIOUSLY cheering for me all day as they checked my steps! Thinking I might have to work this into my math lessons.
  • I am doing this even though I am absolutely in the pit- that is growth!!!
  • I am seeing a change in my body for the better! :) That's all I'm saying for now. :)
  • I am not an award-winning, stellar, out-of-this-world teacher, but I care for my kids, and they KNOW it!
Okay, I did it! I'm sick with a cold bug/sinus infection/something, but there's a warm bowl of white chili (my favorite soup) waiting for me, grad school assignments to finish before midnight, papers to grade, writing samples to score, report cards to finalize, and reading test results to analyze.

I know it will sound silly, but please pray for our dog, Samson. He just started throwing up- not something he's ever done before. I hope it's nothing wrong and just something passing.