Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

I am so weary. But I'm home with my family- most of them. I am not sleeping well; I am working like a crazy person and haven't even gotten the taxes or my grad school assignments started. I am so overwhelmed with what I have to accomplish and am truly not being dramatic when I say that I cannot get it all done. I'll keep plugging away at it and juggling everything, but I am so tired and ready for this to be over. :)

I was told by the boss this week that after we return from break next week they will be ramping up the pressure on us teachers even more. Don't even know how that is possible at all, and honestly I'm afraid to see what is coming next.

Going to get back to work. Tackling things bit by bit and tonight's bit includes grading, starting lesson plans and a walk with Rob though I don't honestly feel like I can put one foot in front of the other. God help me through this and let me live to see the other side.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whew, is it Friday yet?

Boy this has been quite the week already, and today was only Tuesday. Only.

Yesterday I got pulled into another drama at the soap opera, As the School Turns. Boy, do I hate drama! Nothing like being yelled at by a colleague!

Today's fun included getting slugged by a student amongst other "normal" daily fun.

Here's to hoping for some peace & quiet tomorrow. For us all!

My :) for today:
  • a cancelled staff meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How often does that happen? and YEAH!!!!!!!!
  • getting to pick up Matthew from school, go home and meet Robert and do the grocery run with them- THANKS boys for helping your mom!
  • time spent with my sons!!! I sure do love those two young men!
  • pizza from Elizabeth's Pizza- delicious!
  • sore legs- hopefully that means something is going on good inside them :)
  • my pants were falling off of me as we walked around the store- felt so nice to have to keep hiking them up :)
  • BEAUTIFUL clouds and the sun trying to peak through this evening as the boys and I came home from the store
  • a new MP3 player to replace the one that died- and I know this is totally silly but I like my new little player- when you turn it on, it says "Hello" and when you turn it off it says "Goodbye"- cool! :)
  • getting picture mail from my sister of my ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL niece, Zoe!!!! She is so pretty! I cannot hardly wait to see her!

Monday, April 11, 2011

For Those Who are Perfect (or close to it)

Just an observation from someone who is so very far from perfect. If you feel you are gifted, talented, saintly, heroic, wise, patient, or any other admirable characteristic and you want to share it with those of us who are much less than you, a bit of advice.

You might approach someone less than you with a little sensitivity. Just a tiny bit of humility, sensitivity, or compassion would go a very long way. Remember what Mary Poppins sang- "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..." It may be a silly movie and song, but there's a whole lot of truth in that line!