Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here is the Wordle I created for my classroom door! I LOVE the blues!!!!
I'm going to use this for a getting to know you activity too- let each kid make one for him/herself to share with the class. I have my "all about me" word list ready for myself to model and make mine for the kids! :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why am I like this???

God, I know You are forgiving and merciful and full of love. Why can I not just forgive myself and accept myself the way I am? Why do I treat myself so meanly? Why does it matter to me so much that a few people might be offended or not like me or not think I am "Ms. Wonderful?" Why am I like this?

Please help me Father.

I forgive other people so much more quickly than I do myself. You can be mean to me, lie about me, walk all over me, and I'll find a way to forgive and still like you. But when it comes to myself, I can't seem to forgive myself for any little thing, real or perceived. I know where the roots of some of this lie, but don't seem to be able to totally get through it. I start to better and feel better and then something comes along and sabotages it. This week it was hearing that two colleagues were telling others were talking/complaining about me to another teacher. Do I need to see the shrink or take a pill, Lord? You are the healer. Can't you heal my messed up mind?

I developed a wall this past year after so much garbage at work, and got angry. That wasn't good, but neither is being this mealy-mouthed, "I'm sorry for everything under the sun" person either. God, please help me to find the right balance in You. I can't go on like this crazy person.