Saturday, July 17, 2010

Business Adventures...

About a year ago, I started trying to make cards to sell. Our hope was that I could do something that I like doing, learn to do it better, and make a little profit while doing it to help us financially (eventually). Rob has been super supportive of this adventure.

So one year later, I can see a lot of improvement in what I am making from where I was last year!!! And I have a decent amount of sales under my belt for something that is so start-up and not my first job. I also continue to set goals for myself- learn something new (techniques, tools, ideas) each month, slowly purchase stamps and tools, read & research new ideas & learn from other card makers, and learning how to grow a business... So today I am stepping out a little more and taking another step in trying to grow my business. I am hosting my first giveaway on Facebook. I created a "fan page" and am doing a drawing for a small set of notecards & mini notepads. The cards are cute & colorful! I would love it if you'd pop in on me and see them and enter if you'd like to. I'd love to have you in my Facebook "friends" list. If you feel comfortable with it, please help me spread the word. I really want to help our family financially, and need to start taking this up a notch to do so.

Thanks a bunch! Happy Sunday to you all! my BekaBoo Creations blog (my Facebook fan page is linked at the top of my blog site)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It is an honor & a privilege to be a teacher.

I got to go see my student at Brenner's Hospital today. I was so happy to see him and hear that he is doing better today. Barbara Rose went with me today and gave him our little bag of gifts. Poor guy he was scared to play because both his hands have iv's in them and his fingers are all bandaged up from being pricked & poked. :(

We got to take him to the playroom while his parents talked to the dietitian and play for a bit and visit with him and his sweet parents; it doesn't take long to see where he gets his great attitude, joy, and smile. He has the most beautiful smile in the world! It really is a sweet one, though I could tell he didn't feel well because I had to work a bit to get my smiles today, and I don't usually have to do that. I think the thing that meant so much to me and shows how kind-hearted this little guy is was when he told me very sweetly, "Mrs. Thomas, you can sit down by me." and he patted his bed by his feet for me to sit there. He also invited me to stay and watch a movie with him. Such a sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!!! We stayed much longer than I ever intended to stay, and I was afraid we'd "wear out our welcome," plus I needed to get back home, but promised him I'd come back tomorrow to see him again.

Moments like these remind me what an honor and privilege it is to be a child's teacher. You get to be there in the good times and the fun times- playing on the playground, laughing together at lunch, finding joy in the children's accomplishments, being there to celebrate when they learn something new... but you know what else? It is just as much an honor to be there in the hard times too. When a child has a bad day, is hurt, is heartbroken. When their parent dies or a loved one or a pet. When they are sick and in the hospital. And I can't help but think of times in my life when I needed the love of someone and could have used someone to walk alongside me. I hope I am that someone for lots of kids and families.

It is an honor when a family allows you to join in their suffering, allows you to come for a few minutes to encourage and love on them and their child. Though these times are hard, I am blessed to be able to be a part of "my kids' " lives in the good and the bad. I have been to many hospitals, visitations and funerals, homes, and even jail once, but I hope and pray I always remember in those harder parts of my job that I am privileged to be allowed to have touched a life, to known a child, to love a family. Thank you Father for this job that blesses me more than I can ever be a blessing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Please Pray

One of my wonderful kinderkids from last year is on his way to Brenner's Children's Hospital. He is very, very sick. Please pray for Matthew.

God, please be near Matthew and his family right now. Please help Matthew to feel You walking beside him and not be afraid. Please give comfort to his family.