Saturday, September 04, 2010

Limeades for Learning- please vote

Sonic is doing their "Limeades for Learning" run again this year, only it's better because you don't have to purchase a drink. You can go to this site and vote every day with only your email address. It is really super easy & takes just a minute each day.

Please go visit, find a grant request you like and give it your vote every day. You'll be surprised how much good you'll do and how happy you will make one classroom!

If you are looking for a teacher/classroom to vote for :) :) :), I just happen to know of one or two. Ha ha!

I have three grants up right now, but the one I'm putting all my votes on is my more expensive one for a document camera ("Pix for Learning")- search by location for NC, High Point. My cousin, Lisha, has three up too- search by location for NC, Craven County. You can also find all my fellow AJE teachers' grants by searching for NC, High Point. I can't find Rob's up there right now- going to check on that. Maybe he's gotten funded. :)

Thanks again!!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Yeah, I know what I said here. And in my heart of hearts, that is so what I feel about the children & families at my school.

But I have to say, it's the stupid 6th day of school, and here goes the same old theme. Feel free to stop reading now, because it's not like I haven't whined about this before and probably will again. I just need to get it off my chest, as it were. The junk is about to start again, and I'm just so tired. Tired of being blamed, tired of working yourself to death never being enough, tired of late nights not being late enough to do what "they" want, tired of the sacrificial spending & giving I and my colleagues do not being recognized, appreciated, or acknowledged, or when it is, it's done in some "yeah, but" kind of way, tired of being condescended to by people who didn't teach long enough to really know what they are talking about or who stunk at it when they did so they now do something else.

Tired, plain & simple.

I don't know if I can do this much longer. But what else am I fit to do?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fourth Day of School

I am already back in that stay up late working like a crazy person mode. :( And I am feeling a wee bit frustrated with some of my students, and a whole lot frustrated at me that this beginning of the year is not going perfectly. I find myself worrying that the well-behaved ones are going to hate me and be miserable and that the kids who need more help are not going to get better. I know it will all get better, but can't it just get better now??? Pretty please with sugar on top? :)

I had things rolling into a better day and then it all went haywire at the end- really haywire. Grrr.... I hate this schedule we were given- it's awful!!! I try to be flexible but I need a routine, let alone the kids.

I will keep learning and working on it until it gets better. Third graders are definitely different creatures in many ways, yet they are amazingly not any better than little ones in many other ways. Hmmm, who'd a thunk it? :) hahahaha

Good news though? The heartburn is waaaaay better- and I am finding a technique (prayer & something that I feel silly sharing but it works) that helps when I start to feel it, so that it is one HUGE :) for the day!