Saturday, November 15, 2008

our yard in the fall

Fall sure comes late here in this part of North Carolina. A few photos from our yard today.

Donors Choose Project # 3

I'm not trying to annoy anyone or beg, but my 3rd homework bag proposal is about to expire. I was planning on just letting it expire, and purchasing some of the items myself as I have a few dollars here or there. I am excited though because when I checked on it today, I have had two new donors in the last few days, and it needs $355 to get funding. If you know of anyone who would like to give, please ask them to visit my proposal's site.

Anyone can give anything- even $1. Thank you for helping me help my students & families!

P.S. I should add that I now have 14 bags completed and visiting the children each weekend. The K's & 1st's are, literally, begging for the bags during the week and counting days on the calendar until Fridays. :) I have made/am making several more bags on my own (with my own funds) and have supplemented all the bags with Walmart/Dollar Tree finds and lots of self-created goodies/learning games/activities. So for any donor looking, please know that I am investing a lot of my own money, time, and effort into these. I really believe in this project & the investment in my students' learning & families' lives.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Sleepless Night

It's just about 6 AM, & I've just been lying here waiting for a half-decent time to just get up. I did what the dr. asked of me now for three nights in a row. Put down school work, computer work & play, reading, t.v. everything and went to bed at a decent hour. What did it get me- yet another sleepless night. The past two nights were the worst I've had in a long while.

What am I doing wrong here God? I don't understand why I can't sleep. And even with the medicine that should have knocked me out, I couldn't get to sleep and kept waking up all night.

Now I've got to drag my butt into school yet again and fake my way through. I am telling you now God, I'm going to lie all day. "Yes, I'm fine." And I know that it is wrong, and I'm asking you ahead of time to forgive me, but I am NOT discussing it with anyone. I'm not talking to anyone about this, God- not anyone. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, let alone try to explain what is wrong with me when I don't even understand what is wrong.

God, I must be going crazy or being punished for something, or maybe I'm dying. I don't know, but I feel awful and don't want to keep going on like this. I'm trying so hard to keep a smile on my face, show You through my tired, laugh & be happy, see the positives in life, be a light for You, and not be a "gloomy Gus," but I am failing at that too.

God, even You had a need for rest when You rested on the 7th day. Why can't I sleep God? WHY????????????????????????

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today's thankfuls

Thank you God today for:
  • a day of rest & not going to work
  • a day with a nap to make up for less sleep last night
  • a day home with my hubby & best friend
  • a p.j. day
  • a dr. who is really taking care of me & who takes the time to sit and talk with me and listen and really cares
  • a family that loves me- though they may disagree with me
  • great kids- though they may aggravate me, they're truly great young adults!
  • a job which allows me to love little ones & provides me with a roof over my head, a warm shelter, & food to eat- even if it causes me stress, I know I'm blessed to have a job

I'm working on it God, I really am. I hope You, at least, can see & believe that I want to please You and be healthy.