Monday, April 20, 2009

Please pray for Stellan!!!

If you haven't heard of this little boy, please go read his momma's blog. He will have a very risky and dangerous surgery tomorrow. Please, please pray for Stellan, for his family, for his team of doctors that God would guide their hands and give them wisdom.

Stand By Me

Stand by Me- really neat video!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break Accomplishments

Well, I set a few goals for myself over break, with the biggest one being to relax, rest, and not work too much.

I'd say "Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!!!!!!" What a wonderful week home with some of my family and all these things completed:
  • flower beds planted & mulched
  • lawn mowed & many of the leaves cleaned out- still a TON to go in the back but that can wait for other days
  • two chapter books read- my students will be so excited that I met the reading challenge with them! :)
  • cooking some good meals
  • housework
  • sleeping in a couple days (which means really just waking up at normal time but catnapping for a while)
  • taxes finished & filed
  • menu planned & groceries bought
  • curtains finally found for my living room (after trips to three different Walmarts!!!)
  • quality time with Barbara & Robert (Barbara especially, so much fun!)
  • limited work (only 2 hours in my room on Friday and lesson plans & homework packets just done late tonight!)

It's past my bedtime, so I'm signing off. Goodbye spring break 2009! Back to work I go!

Love Is Not...

My momma taught me something a long time ago when we were still going to church with them back in Illinois. I remembered it today in church, just sitting there, out of the blue- well I know it was God, but you know what I mean.

Love is not a feeling. It's a choice. A choice to love in spite of our feelings. A choice to show kindness even when we don't feel it, don't want to, even when the other person doesn't "deserve" it, even when we've been wronged...

That's it for tonight. Thanks for being a good teacher, Momma. :) I love you very much.