Thursday, August 18, 2011

Making this quick since it's right at 10 PM and I need to do lots of stuff still tonight. Just finished cutting out 70 yarn necklaces/chains and over 300 pieces of yarn for one of the activities tomorrow at staff meetings.

This was the fourth day of training, and I have to admit I got SUPER stressed when the tension level rose in the room. I think that's the problem- me and conflict are not bff's. I HATE when people are rude to one another, when people get snotty and are condescending. By lunch I wrote a note to myself and the teacher next to me. It said, "I've had enough estrogen for one day!" :)

But I made it. Getting a couple more students tomorrow! :) I like to have larger classes, and if there's anything I want it is to NOT get preferential treatment (combo class or not). I want to give no one room to say, "She has a smaller class." or "She has all the 'good' kids." or anything else like that. I pull my own weight!

One more day this week; praying the meetings go quickly and that we get a nice chunk of time to work in our rooms. My dear, sweet daughter has worked hard this week to help me get unpacked. We're almost there. Matthew came also and has helped and is going with me tomorrow to help me finish unpacking and get bulletin boards up. That's my goal for tomorrow. Then next week, I have to get the library, discovery, math, and literacy areas set up plus nametags, cubby tags, and all that other stuff ready plus my materials for Open House. Here come the long days! I'll post some photos next week as I get my room finished.

My :) for today:
  • as always, having my daughter nearby makes my day- seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, when she stops and gives me a hug, when she can sense that I'm having a bad day or see the stress and she just grabs my hand and gives me our "secret" family I love you signal or a hug, and says, "I love you Mommy," seeing her love the kids I love- well all these things make it easier to get through hard days
  • all the help my family has given me- moving me to my new room, helping me unpack and get set up
  • my daughter's FB comments in defense of her ideas and in defense of her mommy :)- Go Barbara, you ROCK!!!
  • my sons- Matthew & Robert- who sometimes don't mind me being mushy, let me give them hugs & kisses still, and help me out from time to time (Matthew, as I mentioned, has been a big help to me this week. Robert went out tonight and bought yarn for me with his own money tonight for this school project.)
  • a lunch out with a coworker who insisted on paying- thank you friend!
  • playing with some of my coworkers' kids today- chasing them in the hallway, playing tag, sticking out tongues, tickling... I love kids! :)
  • made it through another day- thank you Father for helping me!!!!!!!!
  • yummy grilled salmon and a salad for supper
  • a back that is still hurting a LOT but is not quite as bad as the other day- thank you God!!!!

We heard today that we are not going to have money for basic school supplies that we might normally get some help with. This means that on top of everything I spend money on, I will now have to buy my own paper (lesson plans, learning materials, worksheets, newsletters, etc.), staples, tape, glue, etc. We can't ask our families for more since many of them are strapped for cash too. Pray for our school please- for our kids to have a good year, that they will grow & learn and make leaps & bounds in their learning! Pray for our staff to be in unity, to be encouraged and lifted up and to grow in their abilities, pray for our families that their needs will be provided and that they will grow as families. Pray for our nation and its leaders. We need some major changes in the education system.

Love to you all!
Rebekah :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 1 is done

Today went pretty well. This training was good- well at least I liked it better than anything else we've had. Usually PD is hit or miss (often miss). This presenter was good, knows her stuff, was sharing very useful info and teaching us things many of us didn't know or clarifying misinformation.

I found out today that I do not have a class assigned to me yet; hoping maybe that will change tomorrow but who knows. I'm trying to relax and go with the flow, but I hope I do get kids soon. It's hard to listen to everybody making plans, to decorate and set up a new classroom, to work with grade levels when you don't know exactly what you will end up being.

And don't let me leave this out- let me just say I have the BEST young people around! Barbara & Matthew got up early and came to school with me. While I was in training all day, they started setting up the furniture in my new room, unpacking boxes and baskets and working on getting my room ready. Matthew made my door display- the neatest tree with a little owl and got the words cut out and everything laminated. Barbara is being the organization queen for me. THANK YOU YOUNG PEOPLE O' MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my family, and am so very, very blessed!!!

My back started really hurting last week on the retreat by the end, and I am in horrible pain this evening. I went and fished out the pain medicine the doctor gave me back in March when it flared up then. So anytime now I am going to get sleepy (I hope). The recliner and I are going to be good friends for a few nights I'm afraid. I hate that because I missed Rob a lot today, but I cannot sleep in the bed when my back is hurting. :(

So, good night. Hope wherever you are, your Tuesday is filled with lots of laughter, some good hugs and tons of smiles!

Rebekah :)

What I got right today:
  • no complaining or griping
  • no words I regret from my mouth
  • I'm still reading my Bible and doing my God-journal :)
  • I volunteered (you did hear that right?) to lead two group activities at this Friday's opening staff meeting!!!!!! Do you know how huge that is????? I know it's going to hit me in a day or so, and I'm going to be wondering, "What in the world was I thinking?!?!?!?!" :)
My prayer requests for tonight:
  • My cousin, Laura Beth, just had her first baby. I'm praying for her healing physically, lots of rest, and for God's help as baby, mom, and dad all learn each other and make all these big adjustments.
  • My back- I NEED this to be healed. I cannot go like this much longer without a dr.'s visit, and I don't have the $, the time, or the desire to see the dr. again- especially when they'll just give me drugs and send me home.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goodbye Summer, Hello 2011-12 School Year

Staying up late, sleeping late, reading, movies, Plants vs. Zombies, walks, laughter, visits from my family back home, cooking, relearning how to sew, family time- that's how I've spent my six weeks off. This was the first summer that I have not taught summer school, babysat, or tutored. This is the first summer I have not worked on school stuff, and oh how nice it has been! I started summer with my Momma, Pop, sister, brother-in-law, and niece here for graduation. On Fathers' Day, my cousin, Regina and her family popped by for lunch with us, and then in July, Regina came back and brought another cousin, Pam, to see us. They stayed for a few days, and oh, what fun we had- staying up WAY late, laughing like crazy women, shopping at every craft/fabric store in G'boro plus countless trips to Walmart- hehehehe, eating Regina's delicious cheesecakes, sewing and sewing and more laughing!!!! I've really relaxed and taken me-time this summer, which is something I don't think I've ever done before.

But all the time, I've been scared inside. I've told Rob and my Momma, but it's been more than I've even told them. The bad dreams about work started two weeks ago, and my stomach has bothered me more, but the anxiety has really hit this week. I have never been one to have anxiety/panic attacks, but I think that is what I am experiencing, and it is NOT fun. I know I'll get through this. I just wish I didn't have to. I wish that teaching had not become what it has. I wish it was still all about the kids and the politics and pressures weren't ruining it. I wish I didn't feel so burned out, so stressed, and so useless. But being totally honest, I feel completely like a waste of space and a failure as a teacher. I hope & pray I am not. Momma told me yesterday (and deep down inside-where it counts- I think she is right) that once I am with the kids it will come back.

I have some goals for myself for this year:
  • get better organized- After moving around grades and classrooms for the past few years I have a lot of stuff and it's not well organized. Barbara is going to help me this week unpack my new room, declutterize :), and organize.
  • be a better reading teacher- I feel that I am stronger at teaching math, so I want to work really hard on becoming a better reading teacher. I have bought a couple books that I am working on reading towards that goal, and am excited to try some new structures in my literacy block.
  • have the data to back up myself- Last year I was burned by the "data-god loving people." Not this year! I plan to have a BIG data notebook prepared as I did before when I was in the lower grades, and it will include behavior data. See I'm pretty good with kids who have behavior issues, and if only I would have documented in cute, color-coded charts and graphs last year the growth... well I would have at least had that on my side. "That" woman still wouldn't have liked me, "those" people at work still would have said their snotty things and had their data to back them up, but I would have had something at least. I learned my lesson, and this year, it's all about the data! I will have data for math, reading, behavior, you name it- I'm going to have it! I don't have to like the game, but I will learn how to play it and play it well!!!! I have to avoid the dreaded "ineffective teacher" label so that I can keep doing this thing I was called to do.
  • continue the good things I started this year, namely, taking care of me- I am leaving at a decent hour at least three days a week (not letting myself get sucked in more than I have to), walking regularly, wearing my pedometer - I love that thing!, eating well, drinking more water, writing down here some positives about myself, my day, my life- "I Like Me's" as Crystal called them. Plus I have started a God-journal, and I want to keep that with me daily so I can write down things between God & me no matter where I am.
  • learn to forgive myself- now THERE is a challenge!!!!!
I have really come to the end of myself, but I am finding that God is there, as He always is. I'm so thankful for that because if He weren't, I couldn't walk into that door tomorrow. He was really with me this past week when I had to go to a leadership retreat- I felt so peaceful (of course the mountains have that effect on me too, but this was definitely God!). I know He will go with me and help me; I'm counting on that!

There is a Matthew West song, "Strong Enough" that I have heard but it really hit home with me this week. He sings, "I know I'm not strong enough to be everything that I'm supposed to be. I give up... Lord I'm asking You to be strong enough for both of us..." That's me- I can't be what I'm supposed to be on my own, Lord. There are some kids and families who will count on me, and I can't let them down. I don't know how to come back from the burn-out, betrayal, and hurt I feel inside, and I'm scared that I can't "come back." But this I know. I was made to be a teacher; I have no doubt that God formed me for this work. I know He called me, and I know He is carrying me through this rough time. I wish I wasn't experiencing this, but I know I will learn something useful and when I look back I'll be glad for the experience.

God, walk in there with me and help me come back, please. Because this is a big part of who Rebekah is and she truly does adore those kids.

Ready or not, God, here we go. The school bell is calling us, Father.

For those who pray for me (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU), I might start putting prayer needs here too if that's okay.

  • My back is really giving me trouble after last week's retreat and sitting in chairs all day. I need God to heal this permanently and help me. When it gets bad like this it interferes with my walking.
  • I also have all the symptoms of a stress fracture in my left foot (have had one there before) and it is bothering me. I want to keep walking to get healthier. Please pray for these with me.
  • All my old kids as they move to 4th grade, a few at new schools. Pray God will help them have good teachers who will see the good inside them and love them too.