Saturday, September 06, 2008

No Matter What

Things at work are kind of in turmoil, and the last two days have been a roller coaster ride that I am not enjoying. I'd truly like to stay in my room & mind my own business which I try to do. It seems trouble just finds me. :) I'm struggling with my new class, and not enjoying school much at all right now. But no matter what-

From Mercy Me's album- Coming Up to Breathe-
Last One Standing

Don't you count me out 'cuz I've fallen down
I have landed down on my knees again
This is where I'll find the strength to carry on
This is where I'll find the strength to stand

I'm gonna be the last one standing
Fighting for something much bigger than me

The last one standing wants it more
Finding there's something worth fighting for.......

So, Rebekah Rose, you know those kids are worth fighting for- so fight the blues, fight the blahs, fight the tired, fight the stress, fight whatever you need to fight and fall on your knees and let God do the work in your own heart and keep on trying to be more like Him.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Good & Bad News

Okay, the good news first. No surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'm having some "leg involvement" in my back issues, but it's not too bad now and the surgeon doesn't feel the nerves are being pinched. So unless that issue would suddenly worsen, no surgery will help. That's great news!

Now the bad news- I have arthritis and degenerative disc disease, which just basically means my discs are starting to dry out and break down- proof that I'm getting older :). He feels this is the source of the pain. Although there is some bulging of the discs, this dr. feels it is minor at this point. So I have to try some arthritis medicine for a month, which will also mean having to start taking stomach medicine too as I have issues with things like ibuprofen or aspirin.

Though I don't (REALLY, REALLY, REALLY) don't want to have surgery- that thought was positively making me almost hyperventilate today- I was hoping for some solution that would make this all go away. Arthritis is not going to just go away, barring God taking it away, which He could so do but hasn't chosen to as of yet.

BUT, I am very, very thankful for no surgery, and I am continuing to ask God to take away the rest of the symptoms and problems and help me start to feel better. I hope by the end of the week to be feeling better enough to go for a walk here or at the Y. But then again, I just remembered that Hurricane Hannah is predicted to hit by then, so maybe I'll just wait & see. But soon I will start up trying again. Oh, and one more good thing from this- one less bill I have to worry about (or more like three or four if I had surgery!).

Monday, September 01, 2008

Not Much to Say

I kind of have the "blahs." It's been a while since I felt this way, and I'm ready for them to go. They've been creeping in slowly over the past couple weeks, and all the sudden they jumped up and waved hello to me.

It's the end of the weekend and time to go back to work in the morning. I just finished typing up lesson plans, my weekly newsletter, a grade level assessment & agendas for this month's meetings, plus a few other things. So many things to do, and I'm still not done, but I'm calling it a night.

Tomorrow I go to the surgeon. I'm dreading yet another dr.'s visit. :( But I'm praying it goes well, and this dr. is not rude, does not blow me off, does not make me go through a million other tests or do anything too terribly painful. If I have to have surgery I hope it can be done quickly but also not cause me to miss much work. I'm scared if I tell the truth.

I know things will get better and they could be so very much worse. I am thankful that I can look to the hills and know where my help comes from. And I'm thankful for my parents who I talked to this weekend and who helped me by encouraging me, teasing me, and just loving me. I'm thankful for the wonderful family I have here in NC with me without whom my life would mean so very little.