Tuesday, November 08, 2011

I think I need a bubble. :) hahahahaha

I have tried twice to post an entry here, but Blogger and I don't seem to get along the last week or so, and it keeps losing my posts. :( Let's try one more time.

I'm alive and still laughing, though today I finally did cry. Twelve days ago, I had surgery on my back. The doctor took out a grapefruit sized tumor. I had a local and made it through with flying colors- no tears, didn't holler or be a baby about it. Came home, started recovering, stayed tough. For me, who is always hard on herself, I was proud of myself for being a "big girl" about it all.

Went back to work last Wednesday, two hours in, my incision started bulging. The short version is I have a staph infection. Got medicine, doc was concerned about it possibly being MRSA... by Thursday night I was starting to have an allergic reaction- stupid me went on to school Friday thinking, "Oh I can make it through the day... until I go in anyway for my followup." Yeah, no. Had to leave after lunch because my throat was feeling like it was swelling. So I started a new prescription and Benadryl. By Saturday I was feeling lousy- sinus stuff on top of everything else and I just didn't feel good. Still, I was trying to be tough.

Today on my way into school, I fell in the parking lot. Busted up my knee really badly and one hand, and have a badly sprained ankle. Doc doesn't think it's broken, but says he thinks I have torn all the major ligaments in the ankle. I am in a brace & crutches and waiting for an ortho appointment time. This is painful, and I have to confess I did cry today. I made it through the bloodied up knee and hand and the ride home, through the appointment, but when I got home and remembered (oh yeah!) I had to get up some stairs to my house, I started crying. I am home, in my pj's and have some lovely pain medicine left from surgery plus the prescription he gave me if I need it. I can't go to work tomorrow since my class is going on a trip to the circus. :( I feel so bad for being out again, but I'll get through it I know.

Right now, I just want everything to be healed up, the infection to go away, and to be able to walk with my husband and sleep in my bed without pain. The good news is even with all this stuff, and the lousy back, and not being able to walk for a while now, I'm holding my weight loss pretty well. :) :) :) So, how's that for a BIG HUGE "I like me" today? :)

So even though, I feel like crud, am embarrassed about falling and looking like a clutz (which I am), I am still making way in the battle against the lard. :) I WILL get better, my back will heal and the staph germs will go away, my ankle will get better, and I WILL get back to walking with my hubby and back to losing weight. It may take me a while, but I am going to win this war against my fat.

In the meantime, anybody know where I can buy a big bubble? I think for my own health, maybe my family needs to wrap me in a bubble wrap or a big bubble. My dear daughter, told me she thinks the family should all go in and buy me a Hover-round chair. hahahahahahaha Knowing me, I'd still find a way to injure myself and fall even with that! :)

Okay, here goes. Let's see if Blogger is going to let me post this.

Rebekah/Beka/Bekaboo :)