Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting excited!!!

My Momma and Pop will be here in just a few more days. I can HARDLY wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They haven't seen our home yet, and we haven't seen them in a long time. We miss them terribly, so this is going to be such a HUGE blessing for us! Thank you Momma & Pop for coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been slowly buying my Thanksgiving foodstuff - already have the turkey, pumpkin pie fixings, stuff for spinach supreme. I have grad class this weekend, but next will find me finishing my shopping and starting some baking. :)

We spent today doing some fall cleaning. I finally took time to get to the closet that had become piled. Matthew was a dear and helped me a lot on top of cleaning windows inside and dusting all the ceiling fans! Barbara deep cleaned our kitchen cabinet doors with furniture oil, and now they shine. :) Matthew even offered to buy us supper out so we didn't have to cook. What a sweet young man he is growing up to be!!!! So we ended the afternoon with our favorite Mexican restaurant down the road- Rio Grande. Yummmmy! Robert got off his day job in time today to join us, and we laughed sooo hard. I so enjoyed having us all together- it doesn't happen often now.

Tonight found me doing grad homework. I'm very sleepy and think I'll head to bed now. One more day of work, then grad school weekend and preparing for another work week. Then my time with my family will be almost here. Going to cherish EVERY SINGLE moment of that time!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Words just cannot say...

just how low I am feeling tonight. I am apparently a jerk to my coworkers and had no idea. Here I thought I was trying hard to work alongside them, support and get along with others. Once again I am a problem. The thing that hurts the most is that I really had no idea that I was being such a difficult person, and in fact thought I was being a good teammate. And to hear that they are discussing me behind my back. :( Wow. That just hurts.

I have two students who steal from me constantly, and today one was bragging TO MY FACE about how he steals from me and I can't catch him. I break up fights daily and deal with the drama and I am SICK to death of it all. Today I was told to "f- off" by one kid and another kid told my 19 year old volunteer daughter "f- you." One kid walked around my room shouting at me "You are mean!" and another calling me "You are stupid." All while I was trying to teach. I give up.

I am looking for a job- ANY job that will pay my bills. I was made to be a teacher, and I cannot imagine me being happy doing something else, but I am deeply hurt and frustrated. I used to think I was a nice person, but right now I just want to turn into a turtle, go in my shell and never come out.