Saturday, January 16, 2010


Please consider giving to help the Haitian people. There are many ministries working there to help. I posted a link to a ministry our family cares about that is in Port au Prince on the right hand side of my blog, but there are many organizations you could choose from.

Friday, January 15, 2010

a nice end to a truly bad day

friday night- i came home in a very stressed and frustrated frame of mind. i'll just say it was a truly awful day at work. 'nuf said. i was very, very glad to be home with my family, except that my family is all off and gone to their various places so it's me and the animals tonight. not liking this alone-ness i'm having to learn to adjust to. i will get there, it's just that i've never been alone. i went from 17 and living with my family to 17 and married and living with rob to 19, 20, 21 and having kids and i've never lived on my own or been without people around. i need company; our son, robert, is like me in that way.

so there i was starting to have a pity party in the car when matthew didn't want to get dinner with me before he left for youth group.... started to get my feelings all hurt. i came home and began fixing myself something to eat, trying not to be silly, trying not to allow myself to wallow in a pity party, told myself to knock it off and get over myself. :)

(okay, the picture's not too hot- it's a cell phone photo- but it was delicious even if i do say so myself and i just threw it together)
i did the dishes (would you think i was weird if i said i kind of like doing dishes???). i took myself and got a very much needed, VERY past due haircut. it is the best haircut i think i've ever gotten- i LOVE it!- and then i stopped at the mcdonalds where our daughter, barbara, works which is across the street from the beauty shop and surprised her and got myself an oreo blast. i had never had one and they are good too. i have come home and gotten my post-haircut shower to get rid of all that itchy hair, lathered myself up in some vanilla body creme (oh that smell is my favorite!- yum, yum), put on my favorite clothes item- my pj's, am curled up in my recliner under a fleece blanket and now i am feeling so much better- body, spirit, and soul-wise. i feel more human again now that i've shed all that hair. i ate a healthier meal that was prepared with all fresh vegies. i did a small chore. i am comfy in my pj's and under my warm blankie, and have this delicious scent wafting around me... i am feeling much, much better. thank you God!!!

i am going to load a movie on the computer while i start scoring reading and writing samples and begin all the work to complete report cards.

i'm really glad i didn't let myself wallow in some stupid self- pity thing all night. i am really thankful i took some time to take care of me- i feel so much better. thanks God for helping me out of the pit before i got into it. :)

have a great weekend. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

heard today in my classroom

"Mrs. Thomas, I have the hippups!" :) Picture about the tiniest little 5 year old you can imagine and you've got it! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

busy, busy, busy

whew, i'm tired, and i still have a lot to do before bed! just popping by to say hello. i am still feeling run down and feverish and achy. :( but the good news is i made it through the day, got a lot accomplished at school and here at home. after driving from work to pick up barbara at the college, then to winston to get matthew, then home to pick up robert and then dropping the two olders at work, i came home and matthew and i fixed dinner. yum, yum!!!!

i worked on card projects while dinner was cooking and just finished up several small sets and even posted them to my store. i'm trying my hand at making cupcake decorations, waiting for them to dry- not sure if they'll turn out... hmmm..... hoping to work later this week on some monogrammed note cards and invitations that i could post and sell...

am working like a crazy woman at school on getting ALL of the assessments completed this week with the kids. i promised them if they helped me get them done we'd celebrate with ice cream on friday.

okay, i better get going. need to get tutoring stuff ready, look over the assessments from today and get to bed. i hope these chills go away. i wore my jacket all day in class today and i NEVER do that- i'm sure i looked a little silly...