Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fish Funeral

Today at school I helped the children have a fish funeral. It was probably a little silly looking to any other adult, but it was sweet.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to the Hospital I Go

I'm off to Wake University/Baptist Hospital for my second night. :( I miss my family, and HATE being away from them. I'm supposed to sleep and rest, but will not do either very well without my family near me. Oh well, I'll make it.

I just feel really lousy again, can't miss work, and don't want to go. Waaaaaa....

Okay, shower time and leaving.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Barbara's Special Day

Barbara was inducted into the National Beta Club last week. This honor was the result of her good grades and the recommendation of a teacher. Rob and I were both able to get away from our schools to be there for her. It was a nice time to show her our support and be a proud dad & mom.

This is Barbara and our "adopted son" Dunamis. :)
Barbara and her "peeps."