Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!

I just got back from my third MRI scan. Oy! I hope I'm done with these things now! :)

I am hurting in a big, bad way. Rob has taken over my weekly Saturday job of grocery shopping and told me to come inside, take the muscle relaxer the dr. prescribed, and sit down. So I am being an obedient wife and doing just that. Now, I just hope I am "sober" enough to drive the kids to their workplaces this evening since Rob will be gone. :) :) :) Tonight is his night to play at the HOP- a home for guys recovering from drug & alcohol addictions.

Well, hopefully I have finally woken up and taken care of all my "issues" and hopefully, God-willing, I will start feeling okey-dokey soon. :)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Scrapping My Night Away

Literally, I did just that. I started working on some photos for someone and lost complete track of time. I forgot the time and didn't call my momma like I promised I would. :****( Then I decided since I was already scrapping and already had drug a bunch of stuff into the back room, I might as well do my photos too. The next thing I know it is 11 PM!!!! But I finished both sets of photos! YEAH me!

Now I would like to start doing Robert's graduation photos, and next month I hope to get my road trip pictures printed and scrapped. I think I might try to just set a monthly goal of one project to do. Maybe someday I can start doing all my kids' baby & kid photos that I've saved but never had the time or $ to do. Sure, by the time I die, I'll have them all done. :) :) :)
I should get a card table to keep in the front room for things I'm working on..... Then I wouldn't have to drag everything I might possibly want to use back here and then drag it all back. Kind of anti-productive or non-conducive or whatever else new words I can dream up here. Hmmm, maybe someday when there's some "extra" $. Yeah, that's funny. I know everyone reading will be laughing as I doubt there's anyone out there with extra $, but a girl can dream. :)

Yeah, can you tell it is getting late, I am tired and dizzy and just took my muscle relaxant for my back??? :) :) :)

On the back, I have an MRI on Saturday to figure out what is wrong with that part of me. This will make my 3rd MRI scan this summer. Love those, let me tell you! And, I'm scheduled for my first mammogram soon too. This has not been my summer- medically speaking. It was supposed to (in my mind anyway) be the time I was going to get everything figured out with the dr. and start either a "cure" or find some solution to help me feel better. Well, that hasn't exactly worked out, but I am sporting a better frame of mind at the moment. That may be due to just not having the "icks" right now, but we'll see. One thing I am really, truly, deeply thankful to God for is this: I have a very compassionate and gentle dr. at Wake Forest who is trying to help me, and this week God, literally/truly, sent me to a new family dr. She is a Christian, and I really liked her a lot! She was very kind and took time to sit and talk with me and made me feel better just talking and listening. That will help having a good dr. I can go to when I'm sick or whatever. I've not been taking care of that part of my life because of the dud experiences I've had with dr.'s, so that is going to change now!

Okay, well, truly I can see I am rambling on and on and in different directions. So I think I'll sign off. For those who might have read through this all the way to the end, well you should get some sort of medal or something. :)

The sleep-deprived and goofball Rebekah :)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pretty Porch

From our trip- this was a porch by a store in Cherokee. I just liked the photo.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I look to the hills, from where my help comes...

God, You are so AWESOME, and Your creation is more beautiful than human words can express.