Saturday, March 19, 2011

peaceful Saturday with my best friend :)

Aaaahhhh, it's been a peaceful Saturday, and I am so thankful! Rob was out of town from last Sunday morning until Wednesday night with a school trip to New York & D.C. Then work of course on Thursday, and I had to work a school function Thursday night. Work Friday and Rob worked the baseball game last night. So we haven't really seen each other or had time to talk. I missed him a LOT!

Barbara and Matthew went to Acquire the Fire this weekend, so they've been gone last night and all day today. Robert worked both jobs today, so we've had a quiet house. We went out to lunch and just talked, went and got our groceries, worked together cleaning and reorganizing the frig & pantry and just took a long walk together. I sure do love that man!!!!

Now we'll cook some supper, do some school work, watch some movie and enjoy the quiet a little longer. So glad we can finally have time being in the same house at the same time. I love just having him close by!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Oh, asparagus, I owe you my sincerest apologies. When I was a child, I used to go with my momma to Bohn's farm where she would get fresh asparagus. I remember how much she liked it. I remember how she always made us eat our food and wanted us to not be picky, but oh, how I hated asparagus. I never liked it as a child, and hadn't eaten it in years since I left home.

Then my oldest son made some for us a couple years ago, and oh how good it was. I have been eating it since and each time I wonder, What in the world was I thinking? Why didn't I like it? What in the world was wrong with me? All these years I missed out on this yummy and healthy food! I must have been a brat or something to turn up my nose at you, lovely asparagus! Please forgive me!!!

Rebekah :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

News Piece

Rob, Barbara, and I got to be part of one of "Ms. Melissa's" news pieces. Melissa is a journalist that has been volunteering with my class for four years. We had fun doing this together! :) Thanks, Melissa for including us!!!!

Someone very dear to me tagged me with this video on Facebook. Wow, is all I can say.

This line- "What if your healing comes through tears?" So, God, do you heal other people's hearts from my tears? 'Cuz if You do, then I know a lot of kids whose lives will end up better for all the gobs of tears I've shed for them. If that could be true, then it would be worth it all.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Jumping on here really quickly as it's almost 11:30 PM, and I should be in bed, asleep- but as usual, I am not. :)

Praying tonight for Japan- their troubles don't seem to be ending anytime soon.

Still praying for Haiti whose troubles seem so overwhelming from what I read.

Praying for my sister.

Praying for my Pop.

Praying that Rob comes home safely from his trip. I miss him and he is missing us really badly!

Praying I can do everything that needs to be done this week. And that I sleep well this week alone (well with the dog anyway). :)
