Friday, August 13, 2010

August Giveaway!

I had a lot of fun doing my first giveaway last month at BekaBoo Creations, so I am doing it again. :) This month I am going to give away some school-themed note cards. If you'd like to enter, you have lots of ways to earn multiple entries- check it out here.

It's going to be a fun, busy day tomorrow. And next week we go back to school- TONS to do. I will write soon & post photos next week of my new classroom- 3rd grade here I come! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

last days of summer

A new school year is rapidly approaching. I am so thankful for jobs that allow us more time than most to be "off" and home with our family. I know that is something to not take for granted. I do wish this summer's "off" had been more "off" than "on," but in a couple years I'll be through grad school, the kids will head off someday, and Rob & I won't have to work odd jobs to help pay the bills. This summer's off time was not really a big break because of grad school, babysitting & tutoring, and moving to my new classroom. But there's always next summer to hope for, God willing. :)

In the meantime, we are grabbing a few last minute chances to spend some family time together. I have a list of things that didn't get done this summer or still need to get done but I am not sure it will all happen- well, actually I am sure it won't ALL happen. But I MUST get a haircut before Open House next week. Can't have families & kids seeing me like this. :) :) :) hahahahaha

Speaking of haircuts, Matthew gave himself another mohawk. :) Got to love that young man- he always wanted one when he was little, but for some reason I don't quite get now- I would never let him. So now he does it and I've mellowed enough to know it doesn't really matter. It's hair, it grows back, and I am more relaxed now about a lot of things then I used to be. Here is our goofy boy with our goofy dog, Samson (aka Sam/Sammy).Have a great end to your week!!!