Saturday, April 12, 2008

Nice Evening

Matthew and I just spent some time planting two flower beds with seeds I bought last month in my eagerness for Spring! :) Pop bought good soil and mulch and put it around our magnolia tree last Thanksgiving when they came out, so we planted a mix of flower seeds (blues, pinks, whites) all around under that. Then we planted the bed next to the carport with mammoth and Mexican sunflowers, echinacia, black-eyed Susans, gillardia, shasta daisies, alyssum, morning glories, and moonflowers. I can hardly wait until they all start growing!!!! Last year, the Mexican sunflowers, especially, attracted TONS of butterflies and hummingbirds.

We're going to plant a couple more big patches of sunflowers and more. Just not sure how quickly that will get done in the next couple weeks with all the jobs, drama club, sports, school functions, and more, but hopefully soon. At least, we got a start on it today.

It was a nice evening. Hey, I even felt good enough to cook dinner after too, that's an accomplishment! :)


It's Done!

Well, yesterday, I drove downtown after picking up Robert from school and before going back for Barbara :) and delivered my packet of TOY portfolios to the human resources office. Whatever the outcome, whatever God has planned for me, I did the best I could and it's done. It's in His hands now.

Momma, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for proofreading, offering your comments and constructive criticism to me. You helped me make it a whole lot better!!!!!!!!!!! I start to say "I couldn't have done it without you," but yeah, I could have, it just wouldn't have been anywhere nearly as good as it ended up being. I got compliments from the two fellow teachers I shared it with, my principal, and our CF at school brought it back to me with this comment, "Only one word, Rebekah, 'outstanding!'" :) :) :)

So now I can go back to being who I am: goofy, quirky, Big Mama, loud, and silly me. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Laughing Out Loud- on the inside where it counts

I have to put this down to remember. I'm dying laughing inside, but being the good mommy I should be, I am not letting it show so as to not hurt someone's feelings.

Barbara is doing her schoolwork and just asked me an interesting question.

"Mommy, what's cannabis?" I told her it was pot. Okay, now I'm quoting here folks! "Really? When did they change its name?"

Serious as a heart attack! Oh my word! That kid is so smart, but sometimes she can be a complete and total ditz! :)

HA! HA! HA! I'm dying to tell Rob this one! :)
It's been a beautiful day here in NC (at least this part of NC anyway). :) I drove home with all four windows down and enjoyed the warm breeze and the sunshine.

Rob, Robert, and Barbara are all working for the Greensboro Grasshoppers this year, and ball season has started so there is someone working almost every night now. Rob is tired after teaching all day, running home from school to grab a sandwich and turn right back around to go to the ballpark. I will be starting the second job soon and then things ought to get really interesting around here.

I'm still fighting the dizzies, but I can make it. :) I haven't had to take any of my "zombie medicine" since Tuesday, so that's a plus. I've just been toughing it out as much as I can.

I have my teacher of the year portfolio done and all the copies printed and assembled as instructed, and will be dropping it off downtown tomorrow afternoon. Whew! Glad that's done! :)

Okay, I've said nothing really, but that's okay, do I ever really? :)

Sunday, April 06, 2008


There are a few simple things in life I've learned to appreciate more lately:
  • taking a shower
  • driving down the highway
  • taking a walk (and enjoying it)
  • feeling good

    I'm really tired of this vertigo/meneire's crap! I don't like me, and don't know how my family can even stand to put up with my constant not feeling good. Yeah,
    I definitely appreciate the days when I feel at least less sick.

    And, no today isn't one of those days. But, I'll live to take a walk, enjoy a hot shower, drive without weaving or at least feeling like I am, and feel good another day. Thank you God for helping me until then.