Saturday, January 24, 2009

Working on Love

I Corinthians 13 (my paraphrase)

"If I can talk to anyone, but don't love, I am just noise.
If I have all these spiritual gifts and knowledge and faith bigger than anyone's, but don't love, I am a big zero!
If I give away everything, sacrifice myself, but don't love, then I am the biggest loser."

How does love look/sound/feel?
  • it is patient & kind
  • it doesn't get jealous or brag about what it is or has or can do or where it's been
  • it's not rude
  • it doesn't have to be #1- have it's way
  • it isn't grouchy or begrudging
  • it is sorrowed by wrongs done others
  • it is thrilled by things that are truthful & just
  • it puts up with everything thrown at it
  • it believes in others
  • it hopes
  • it endures no matter what
  • it never ends

Boy, I've got a long way to go. Help me God to love, no matter the cost. Help me to put away the child in me and grow up to love like You do.

All Torn Up & Don't Know What To Do

It's me. You know, the silly, crazy, way-too emotional, talk too much me. That daughter you must have dropped on her head or something. :)

Okay, now that I got my smile in for the day, time for me to spill my guts. You already know what I'm going to say anyway, so I might as well say it, right?

I have a decision that I need to make in the next few weeks, well maybe. Perhaps nothing will come of it, only You know that. But I'm assuming an opportunity might come my way, and I need to know what to do. I'm so torn up about it and can't make out what the "right thing" to do is.

My heart has been poured out and given away in little tiny pieces to a big group of children, and I will feel like I've abandoned some pretty important children, let alone part of who I am, if I were to leave. Yet I long for other things to be better. They could be so much more. I also know that things can be so very much worse, and then I feel like I'm just being a baby or a whiner or a quitter or a loser or, well you get the picture. I don't really want to go; I really just want things to be better. There is so much potential where I am, but it just isn't what it could be.

I sure don't want to get to worse, and I long to be like You. You said you came for the sick, not the well. As I read Your word, and I've been "watching" You there to see what You really did and what you were deeply moved by, I see that you cared for the unloved, uncared for, poor, downtrodden, despised, looked-over, passed-by, down & out.... Guess that's why I love so many of "my kids," and I know that's why it bothers me so to hear others talk about the "bad kids" and this one and that one.... God there are no "bad kids" and You love them all.

Am I deserting ones You love if I make a change? Am I wrong to want a better, happier place with strong leadership? Am I sacrificing what's truly important for my own comfort? I keep telling myself that I'm there for the kids, I'm not there to have best friends and be pals with every person on the planet. I'm there for the kids, and Father, I really am. You know that's what gets me in trouble sometimes. Sometimes, though, God I just feel so lonely and left out. Guess You understand that too, better than I ever could, don't You? Yeah, You do. Thank You for that, for being human so You could understand everything we think and feel.

God, I know You're God. I don't want to ask for a cloud in the sky that tells me what to do or signs that I shouldn't ask for when I'm supposed to trust You. I know it's called faith for a reason. What I am saying is my life has always been in Your hands, and I'm going to leave it there. You moved me way out here for a reason, for a purpose. Please keep me always in that purpose. Please only open the doors You want opened, and Father, if I try to open a door that I should not, please lock it tight. If a door opens, Father help me to know beyond a shadow of a doubt it's You opening it, give me a peace that goes beyond all my fears and guilt and worries, and even beyond the deep love & bond I have with so many of Your kids. I so don't want to walk through a door You're not behind. I so don't want to leave my kids behind, but if it's what You want help me to know it and to have the strength to gracefully leave an imprint on their hearts for You and go.

With so much love and emotion for You and for them,
Rebekah :)

Friday, January 23, 2009


I Corinthians says, "... the greatest of these is love."

I am so in love with my students, words just cannot express it. Something was said this week that let me know just how much impact that love might be having- I didn't think it was much, but maybe it is. I'm just thankful I remembered Who it really is that is the love in my room and remembered to give Him the credit for it instead of me.

When it comes to the children in my room & the children who have walked through my room and moved on, and even the children who aren't "mine" but just come by my room for a hug or whatever reason they come, I pour myself out, I love them with my all- on the good days, the bad days, the awful-terrible-wish I could pull my hair out days. But no matter how much love I give away, it keeps coming back to me tenfold, a hundred-fold, in bushel-baskets overflowing with big, huge hugs, kisses, "I love you's" signed and spoken, gifts made by little hands, notes left for me in my mailbox, smiles, giggles, silly faces, laughter, shared moments & memories... I can never seem to give enough away, they are like little sponges who keep soaking it up but who also squeeze their hearts back out to give to me.

On an afternoon when I felt discouraged after school and feel so out of sorts with adults (I'm just not as good with grown-ups as kids for whatever reason), I just sit here and close my eyes and I can see all those smiling, laughing faces sitting on my carpet looking at me, teasing me, joking with me, sticking their tongues out at me, chasing me on the playground, "attacking" their teacher, jumping up on my lap, hugging me from any direction. I see a new little girl who was scared and upset to be back at school after being out of country for almost a year, who was just plain traumatized and in tears, who responded to my "Te amo!" with "Yo tambien," and who has been hugging me non-stop & smiling these two days she's been with us. They are awesome kids, and I so don't deserve their love, but I am thankful for it. It fills my heart with joy and makes my days worth being alive and coming to work. It makes a job that can be so stressful on so many other levels, much worth it.

Nor can I forget the little boy from last year (who hated me at first) but who came to love me too. That tough little guy who has had to survive so much already who brings me little gifts of his, makes me notes, and lets me love on him when I can. That little boy who today asked his bus driver to honk at me so I would come back to his bus. When I did, he jumped down to give me a giant hug, took my face in his hands, turned my cheek and kissed it. That little guy will never know how much it means to me when he does that. He will never know how much of my heart he has captured. He will never know God loved me through him, but He did.

Oh God, Rob keeps telling me that You created me in my momma just for this purpose, that I am just what You made me to be. What can I say to that? How humbling to know that all my life from before I was born, my childhood, the hard things in life, motherhood, all my work experiences, led me to this place in time, to love these little people in my life with all my heart and soul because You love them. To know that You've helped me to turn the bad things in my life into lessons that have helped me better understand and minister to my little ones and their families. To know that You are walking in that room and that Your spirit is there in a public school classroom all day long with us. I'm just trying to picture you walking in amongst us as we learn to read, write, add, subtract, make a shape, memorize our alphabet, numbers, words, and all that we do. You were walking around the children doing puzzles today, walked in the middle of the carpet and the children working there. You watched the children reading, playing in the sand table, building with legos. You were there watching Elba & I as we assessed the children and worked with them. You were at the lunch table today when the kids begged me to sit with them; You sat with us too and listened to us. You celebrated another year of life with us today.

And in all of that activity and busy-ness, I can just see You walking around admiring "my kids" and loving them too. I can see You standing at the back of my carpet watching the kids and I teasing each other as I tried to "trick" them and they proudly didn't let me, as I read with them, and as we expressed our love for each other. And somehow, I know You were smiling- not just a polite smile, but a big love-filled smile. I can see it tonight, and I thank You!

Your word is true. The greatest of these is love. I may not have much faith or hope sometimes, but thank You for filling me with Your love and letting it spill out to those little friends of mine. Let me never lose Your love Father.

Lovingly, your Rebekah

I am in love

I am in love. Really. Truly. Deeply in love.

With whom? Well that's easy!

God first and most! He has never left me and never will. He loves me with all my many faults, my big body, my big mouth, my stupidity, well, it all. I'll NEVER understand why, but He does, and I will forever be grateful.

With my husband, Rob. He has stood by me through it all since I first met him at 16, married him at 17, started our family at 18, and so much more. He kept his promise to my momma and saw me all the way through college when so many said we'd neither one make it. He stuck with me through some very hard and ugly times in our marriage, through three kids in three years while both attending college and him working, through family problems on both sides of our families, through major financial hardships, through hunger & no food, through too many moves to even count any more, including this big one. He's a wonderful father to our three kids, my best friend, and a follower of Christ. What more could I say about him? I love him!

My children- duh! They are wonderful young adults- all almost grown and just about ready to "fly away" from me. I have adored them from before they were born, but oh, how that love has grown. Just to think of it makes my heart so full and my eyes brim with tears.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sometimes people think they know me and they really don't. That kind of bugs me.

Or maybe it's just that I don't see myself the way others do, and then I worry that I think too highly of myself or don't see my faults. Then I think about how I'm so hard on myself and often told how I'm way to critical of myself more than others.

I think the thing is that I've changed from who I was, and it's just not well known.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy. :)

A Mid-Winter Night's Dream

Okay, so it's not much, but it will have to do for this midwestern, homesick girl until another day.

I'm thankful for a small reminder of home. Thanks God for the snow!