Sunday, March 25, 2012

Home at last- hopefully to stay for a while

I am keeping this short and sweet.  Rob and I just returned home from our 2nd trip to St. Louis.  I'm feeling pretty lost on what day it is, what time it is, or where I am.  So is Rob.  Guess driving about 4,000 miles back and forth across country in two weeks will do that.
Rob's mom had heart surgery on March 1st and had complications.  She stayed in ICU until she passed away last Saturday, March 17.  We left NC to go visit her for a few days, and as we were on our way back home to NC, she began to deteriorate even more.   Rob had to make a difficult decision last Saturday to let his mom go, and as the dr.'s turned off her life support and she slipped away to heaven, we turned around, loaded the car and took off for STL once again.

Last week was really rough, and though I'm glad that part is over and I wanted to see my kids, I didn't want to come home because that would mean this was all real.  Add to that, being out 8 days of school this month, and I'm feeling a little lost with school too.  I know it's real, and I know we will deal with it.  I just don't want to.   We have the cremation/memorial service behind us, her apartment emptied out, most of her financial things dealt with.  Now I just have to finish the money stuff, file the death certificate with her various insurance companies and utilities and creditors and write thank you notes.

Today was also the day my daddy went to heaven 30 years ago.  I miss him more the last two years or so than I did when I was younger- weird I guess, but it's true.

Think I'll take my tired, worn out self to put on some jammies now and try to sleep.  Night world.