Saturday, April 09, 2011

I Did It! I really, really did it!

I got to do something new today- an adventure I really was nervous to try but enjoyed and made it through with flying colors. :) I participated in my first 5K! (Yes, I did say 1st!) And though tired, and a little winded from that last hill, I made it without having to be pushed, pulled, or towed to the finish line.

That's right! Big ol' Rebekah, who would NEVER in her wildest imagination have dreamed this up, walked for a really long time! :) I had the company of my devoted husband, an adorable, sweet friend, Matthew, for whom we were all walking, and his wonderful family. I enjoyed talking with others and most of all just getting to walk with some really nice people!!! Crystal & Bryan, I love you and your little man so very much!!! Thanks for letting me (and Rob too) join Matt Matters and allowing me to love your little boy and be a part of his life too!!!!!

So back injury, hurting knee, and crazy work/college schedules aside, I am not a failure. I, me, Rebekah Rose Thomas- I can do this!!! I was really having a hard time lately with my back and life being so crazy and feeling like a failure. I got in the car and realized what I had done and started crying tears of happiness. For the first time, I felt what I think was a little pride in myself. I hope you'll understand- it's not the sinful, puffed-up kind of pride- just happy that I stepped waaay out of my comfort zone, didn't let my obesity rule my actions or limit what I did, and happy that I have stuck with exercise now for three months. :) When I started I was only walking 3/4 mile and huffing and puffing at the end of that. Today I walked over three miles and did it while talking, laughing and ended with a smile. :)

And if you'd like to give to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, it's not too late. Rob & I had each set a goal of $100. I have reached that goal thanks to an anonymous donor and my sister. You can still give to me or help Rob reach his goal of $100 or just give to our Matt Matters team. Thanks!

a very happy Beka :)

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Happy Birthday Momma

April 8 the greatest Momma ever to live was born.

Happy Birthday Momma mine!

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so very thankful for you in my life!

Smile, it's almost Friday :)

I have done a killer lesson planning session this evening. Stayed at school until about 7 PM planning out my rotations and independent work and working on copying. Then came home and wolfed down some yummy supper- thanks to my old/young men for cooking a yummy dinner- and went back to planning. I finally have that done! :) Well, mostly, I still have guided reading to do- maybe. :) I missed seeing my Barbara Rose though as she was gone to work when I got home. :( I am not staying late more than one night a week anymore (I used to stay so late- but I can't say here how much/how late or I'd get in trouble with my Momma) :) :) :), and I hate having to do that. As it is, I am not compliant in several paperwork items I am supposed to have done, and will probably get written up for it, but with meetings five or more times a week during the day and after school, I don't know when we're supposed to do all this stuff.

For now, it's time to take my headache to bed. Nighty-night world!

My :) for today:
  • We went to the symphony today- so neat! I've only gone to the symphony once a few years back when my parents took me - just them and me, oh, that was such a fun night, getting to go out with my parents as a grown-up, no kids, just my Momma, Pop, and me. :) Today brought back those good memories and made me smile thinking of them.
  • Beautiful music- thank you God for music!!! They played music from various places around the world- loved that! My favorites were the African drum piece and the Argentinian dance piece.
  • My class was almost saintly today on our trip. I was prepared with my "mean Mrs. Thomas" face (seriously have to share that story), but only had one episode with one student and the rest were GREAT, GREAT, GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO proud of my kids! And soooo thankful that the "mean one" didn't have to come out today.
  • Helped out another teacher who was called to jury duty. Made me feel good to be able to help someone else. I guess it might be conceited, but I like to feel needed and useful.
  • Laughing with Rob while he read to me from one of our favorite teacher blogs as I worked. I did that for him last week while he worked; tonight was his turn. CRACKING me up!!!!
  • And last, but not least, tomorrow is my Momma's birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Momma! :)

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Sharing a thought

I read this the other day, and it was so timely, so what I needed. I asked the author if I could share it here.

You will be blessed I am sure!

Rebekah :)

My :) List today:
  • Thai food with my young men tonight- just momma and her boys :) :) :)
  • seeing Barbara for a few minutes as I took her to work- I miss the kids when they're gone so at least I got to see her tonight. :)
  • having papers graded and entered into the grade book early tonight- yes!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


I have had another day at work, but I wanted to post some :) for myself.
  • It stormed pretty hard for a few minutes last night- tore up a lot of trees in the area, power out... so thankful this morning that our home was still standing, no damage to the roof (we have to get a new roof in the near future), no trees down, no home or car damage, but most of all we were all safe and sound.
  • Though she was terrified, our 20 year old daughter needed her "mommy & daddy" last night when she woke up, realized we were under a tornado warning and heard how bad the storm was. She came in our room and grabbed me. I hate that she was so frightened, but it felt good to still be needed by my child who is now grown. :) I hope she always has a need for her mommy. :) I know I still need mine!!!
  • I know a lot of damage was done last night, and I am not happy for those who suffered from it, but I do love storms. I miss that so much since we moved here- being able to watch storms build and come in from miles and miles away. Watching the lightning and wind and rain come down.
  • Students who give me lots of love too. I don't do my job for that, but it sure is nice- especially on the hard days when I deal with so many other issues.
  • A special student who was absolutely perfect today!!! So proud of him!!!!
  • God, who loves us all, in spite of our imperfections, our sins, our mistakes, our silliness and stupidity, our unworthiness. I have a lot of questions about God and a lot of things I used to think I knew that I doubt very much now. But I haven't given up on God, and I am thankful that He hasn't given up on me. I may not understand most things about Him. I don't have to. I'm counting on His unending mercy and grace.
  • Rob, who has been my lifeline of late, especially. I LOVE YOU Rob Thomas!
  • Our dog and cat playing- too cute! Poor Cinnamon gets tired of Samson sometimes, but he's also figured out how to get in tight places where Sam can't go. Cracks me up to watch Sam try to figure out how to get in there and when he can't listen to him give his short little bark, like "No fair! Come out & let me chew on you!" :) :) :)
  • In a few more weeks I will see my family, the ones I love so dearly! I don't feel like I can make it, but I'm trying to hang on until then.
Good night! Praying you are well wherever you are! Don't forget that God loves us all! I know I'm trying to really remember that even though my feelings are all over the place right now!

Beka :)

Monday, April 04, 2011

the wall

I think I have found that proverbial wall I've heard people talk about. You know, the one you hit where your body says, "No more!"? Yeah, that one.

My back is healing but still giving me some pain, especially at night. :( Making for poor sleep. Add to that my already insomniac mind, the huge amount of work I had to do this weekend for work and grad school which kept me up way late, some food-poisoning ick over the weekend, some people I love and am concerned about, and I am now very sleep-deprived.

I started feeling my energy say "Adios" at lunch and by the second grade level meeting today, all I wanted to do was go home and crawl in bed. Which is exactly what I did. I left straight after the meeting and went home and crawled in bed. Rob and Matthew came home about six and found me there still. That is so not me.

I've got the bills paid finally now, and am going to grade a few papers, print a couple things I need, and make one math paper for my lesson tomorrow and I'm going to bed. I want to feel better and be sleeping well with a pain-free back.

Praying for some very special people who are facing life challenges or making important decisions. You know who you are, and I LOVE you!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Dear Zoe

Dear Zoe,
It's been a while since I wrote to you. How could your Aunt Beka let that happen??? You will soon be two months old! How can you let that happen? :) You are growing up so quickly, and I miss not being there to see each little change you go through, each stage of your life. I'm going to miss a lot of that, but please know how very much your Uncle Rob and I ADORE you!!!!

Your momma and daddy took a video of you and daddy talking last night and put it on Facebook. Uncle Rob and I have sat and watched it over and over and over since then. You make us just smile and smile and smile. You are such a pretty little girl, and your smile melts my heart! I loved hearing your voice trying to talk to your daddy.

I cannot wait to hold you, and talk with you and see you smile. Your Aunt Beka is a silly, crazy lady, so I know I'll make you smile a lot. I imagine all the fun things we can do together when you are here and when you visit us throughout your life. Momma says someday she's going to let you come spend summers with us. Uncle Rob & I talk about the things we'll do with you, things like go to the beach, camp in the mountains, go watch baseball games, and take you out to eat at our favorite restaurants (the Thai place, Rio Grande, Elizabeth's, Applebees- oh I'll have to get you hooked on the hot wings there!). The bookstore will be a MUST every time you come! I'll do crafts with you, and Uncle Rob will play ball or go for bike rides with you. We can read together or do puzzles or play games. We can make playdough and bake cookies, and I will have to teach you how to make a big ol' pan of lasagna so you can do that for your mommy who loves lasagna!

Until you're old enough for all that, we'll have to be penpals. I'll write you here but I'll write you "real" letters too. I can make you handmade cards, and you can draw or paint beautiful pictures for me to hang on my refrigerator and at my desk at school.

Speaking of school, I have to tell you a funny story. I am a teacher, so is Uncle Rob. This year I teach third graders (they're big kids compared to you). They were the first people I told about you the day you were born, and they cheered with me. We were all so excited that you came, and they bug me all the time to show your pictures to them. They love you too. :) I got a little netbook for my class a couple weeks ago, and my students were fussing at me that I didn't have your picture on it like I do my own computer. So finally, I took a few minutes to load some photos of you on there for them. I forgot about it. The next day at school, the computer was sitting on the little cart and we were all working at our desks/tables, when all the sudden a big group of kids started RUNNING to the computer and "ooohing" and "aaaahing." I couldn't figure out what they were doing until one of them shouted, "Hey guys, it's Zoe!!!! aaaaaawwwwww!" The kids were sooo excited to see you again, and they think you are beautiful too!

I told them you were coming to see us, and they are thrilled. They cannot wait to meet you. I think they like you maybe more than me. :)

Well, as you'll learn about your Aunt Beka, I talk too much sometimes. I think I better go work on my lesson plans and homework for college. I love you Zoe! Very much!

Until we get to meet, keep smiling and talking. We have lots to talk about.

Love always,
your Aunt Beka