Thursday, June 11, 2009

Out of Touch for a while

I know there are just a few people who visit here and want to hear from me, but in case you miss me, I wanted to let you know I promise I'll be back. My computer died yesterday. I can use Rob's work computer for a few more days until he has to give it back at the end of his employment at that school. We'll be without an internet-ready computer for a week or two until mine comes back from the "shop" wherever that is. Praying it is reparable and that everything that is wrong with it is covered under the extended warranty I bought on the thing. I may pop in at the library to check in.

I'll be checking in with you, Ruhiyyih, to hear your news and watch your adventure as you move back home.

It's funny how dependent on the computer I've become- to do my work, to facebook, to relax and journal... This will be a neat test for me. :)

Other than the craziness of the end of year stuff, life is all normal and good. I have K graduation in the morning for my kinders followed by a class "reception" (cookies and punch for the kids and families). Then one of the K teachers invited us to join the rest of the K teachers & kids in their "water day" so we'll be playing outside the rest of the day- water games, playground, watermelon relay... and ending our day with an ice cream party. I'll have to say goodbye to one student tomorrow and a former student too.

Monday, our 1st graders will have their awards assembly and we'll have another "reception" in the classroom followed by a class picnic outside. Plan to do a board game rotation in the morning plus story time of course, and in the afternoon play some extra fun outside games and let the kids do one last round of shaving cream fun on the tables before we part. That day will be a tear-jerker for me. I always give my heart away so easily, and it always comes back to kick me in the rear, but I couldn't do it any other way. So I'll once again put on the shades, grab some tissues, hug each kid at least three or four times, put them on the bus, and step back away from the teachers cheering to cry as they leave. I'm such a sap! :)

Well, I need to go get all these cookies, punch, cups, bowls, ice cream...... My last shopping trip for school, and the last big expense for the 2008-2009 school year! Then my summer school session, and just a few more weeks I can relax and enjoy a few weeks of summer vacation before starting all over again!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Roller Coaster Emotions

What a wonderful weekend. The girls graduated from high school! I couldn't be more proud of my girl, and I am so proud of S for graduating too.

I am staying as numb as I can, because when the feelings come they're going to come hard. To say I hate goodbyes is an understatement. And this weekend there were some really hard goodbyes. :(

I'm feeling very sad to have to watch family leave me and go back home. S's leaving for her dad's was a bundle of emotions I can't even discuss. Most of all I feel as if I/we let her down or hurt her somehow, and that upsets me too. I just hope and pray she will heal and find Jesus in a way she never has.

And now the house is SOOOOO quiet after all the people have left. I guess after all the busy-ness of the weekend, preparing for company, cooking like a crazy woman for a crowd that didn't materialize, the up & down emotions... well I'm feeling a bit of a let-down and am sooo tired too, which never helps.

A week & two days of this school year, then a couple days to get my classroom in order and then I start a short summer school session. I hope this time goes fast so I can maybe have some time off for me. I'm looking forward to reading time and more time with my family.
