Monday, December 19, 2011

crazy busy days

I always do this- plan lots of projects and things to do in the last days before break.

Today my class worked on their service project (making treat bags for EVERY adult/staff member/volunteer including cafeteria, office, support staff, and bus drivers at our school). They baked gingerbread cookies with Matthew and decorated them with me. They helped me wrap two gifts for volunteers. Plus we had reading and math lessons somewhere in there too.

The last two days of school include:
  • jazz concert for those who earned enough "Jaybucks"
  • finishing our service project & delivering all those treat bags throughout the day
  • wrapping one last gift
  • making cards for our volunteers, a donor, and our parents
  • a class celebration
  • the monthly "Jaymart" store
  • the school's Holiday Store (kids get to go and choose one free gift for one parent)
  • and, oh yeah, I will be still teaching in there somewhere :)
I haven't slept much at all in the last week; I hate insomnia.

I have to go, but I will write later in the week to share some photos and blab about our Christmas I'm sure. I have some neat videos I hope to be able to post- have to figure out a couple things first, but please come back and see.

Until then, Merry Christmas to you and your families!

Much love,
Bekaboo :)