Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Zoe,

Dear Zoe,

It's me again, your crazy Aunt Beka. I just wanted to tell you again how very much you are loved! Uncle Rob, the cousins, and I live so far away, but I hope you can feel the love even though there are 1,000 miles between us.

And your silly Uncle Rob keeps claiming you as "his niece" only. We have little "play arguments" about whose niece you are. He just saw a baby food commercial, and told me the neatest thing. I wanted to share it with you so you will know someday how much Uncle Rob loves you. He doesn't say it as much as I do (just remember I'm kind of crazy), but he loves you bunches already!!!! So when this commercial came on, he said, "I know what that company was trying to do, but they didn't do it. They were trying to make a cute baby commercial, but they didn't have my niece in it. If they'd put my niece in it, then they'd have a cute baby commercial."
And as for me, I miss you already, and you're just a few days old. I stare at your picture on my computer each night (when I'm supposed to grading papers, writing lesson plans or doing homework for college). I could stare at your picture all night! I LOVE the little dream-smile you have in this photo Mommy posted. I can't wait until you come out here to your cousin's graduation and we can hold you and get to love on you in person. I hope you will like all of us and not be afraid of us. I promise we're all big & tall people, but we're really nice. Silly, but really nice.

I better go do some of that work now, or maybe I'll just stare at your photo some more. You make me smile! :)

Love always,
Aunt Beka

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear God, it's me, the crazy one.

"How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes..." Psalm 13:1-3

Please God, I need You,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Working Hard :)

Rob and I are working hard to take care of us. We have been walking consistently for almost two months now. :) And we've been extending our distance/time and pushing even more lately. Rob jokingly now calls me the "taskmaster." So I got this idea that we could walk to our favorite restaurant down the road from us (I knew it was around a mile there). So we did. We walked there, ate supper, and walked home. It was fun, we were tired, but we did it!

Today is our oldest child's birthday- his 21st birthday! I can't believe we have been parents for 21 years!!!!! And now our birthday factory ends for a few months.

My :) List:
  • We are still walking, and tonight we did just a tiny bit more than 2 miles! :)
  • I had a major meltdown this morning working on my next big grad school assignment, but I pushed through it, Rob checked it for me when I was done, and it is turned in- early too!
  • I have about 1/2 my papers graded- it was a HUGE stack, and now it's down to just big. :)