Thursday, June 12, 2014

I made it!

It just hit me that tomorrow I will say goodbye to another group of kiddos.  I've been sooooo busy doing report cards, going through portfolio folders again and again and again and again...., finishing scoring assessments, making awards, making & binding the kids' memory books, putting together this year's class movie, blah, blah, blah..... It just didn't really "hit" me until this afternoon.

Tomorrow will be another crazy busy day- writing the last round of thank you letters, our last PE class, doing some clean up chores, playing board games/craft time, lunch, extra recess, snowcones, and then viewing our class movie complete with popcorn!  After school I will have a little party with my Friday helpers- sooo excited about that!  I have a small gift for each of them, and I hope they will like it.

Then I have to tear the room apart, move the furniture, clean & organize and pack it all away by Tuesday at noon.

I am sooooooooooooooooooo tired!

But I survived my first year at a new school.  It was a good year.  An interesting year.  A fun year.  A year filled with laughter.  A lonely year.  A growing year for me in so many ways.

So thankful for the many, many learning opportunities I have had this last year.  Thankful for the love and support so many of my school families have shown me.  So thankful I survived it all!

Goodbye my firsties!  I will love you always!