Friday, July 25, 2008

Busy Bee

This little bee was working overtime the other night, working right up until dusk to "bring home the bacon" for his family. :)

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another Summer of Sunflowers Begins

Our sunflowers are not doing as well for some reason this year as last year (which is weird since we have had lots more rain this year). But after a late start, they are finally starting to bloom, and just as beautiful as they always are!
This is a Mexican sunflower, which Rob & I adore, as do the butterflies, hummingbirds, and Easter goldfinches! If you like butterflies and hummingbirds, you HAVE to buy some of these seeds and plant some. They are a pretty flower, not as showy as a regular sunflower, but they attract TONS of butterflies and hummingbirds!!! They have such soft stems and are very different from their other cousin sunflowers! I really like this flower!!!!
I love that I caught this little bee doing his job while I was snapping away!

Rob's new car- name yet to be determined ;)

Well, we ended up with a new car for Rob to replace the van which is slowly dying. :) We've been concerned about it for a while now, actually since last summer when I thought we weren't going to get home after a trip in the mountains. It has been acting up, and we figured with the gas prices so high, we'd almost be able to pay for the car in the savings at the fuel pump alone (it gets not quite twice the mileage as the van).

We actually did the same thing as last year when we had to go car shopping after the car's transmission blew out. We just looked online and researched the absolute cheapest car all the manufacturer's made, went to the dealership and only looked at the cheapest models of that car. So, we bought this Kia Rio this week. But I think we got a pretty good price, and we are happy with it. Rob is happy that it doesn't have power windows or locks! :) He'd have been even more happy had it not had air, but thankfully for the rest of us who have to ride with him, it does.

The only problem now is that we cannot come home in one vehicle, unless we rent something, so it will be two cars making the trip I guess when we next can find a way to travel that direction. But we weren't coming home in that van anyway- it won't make it across the state, let alone cross-country.

And, yes, I know we're goofy to name a car. Go figure! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good Report from the Dr.

I will still have to probably follow up with a neuro to make sure, but the ENT at Wake does not think I have MS and does not see any lesions or tumors on my brain.

So, other than a bad back and sleep apnea, being obese, and probably having some anxiety thing with grown-ups, I am fine.

No more whining from me, complaining, or hearing my list of where I don't feel goods.

From now on, all good news from me.

Thanks for the prayers!