Saturday, July 25, 2009

a beautiful day

Momma & Pop celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last weekend. They had a simple, elegant, and beautiful ceremony and reception with some of their family and friends. It was very nice.

Friday, July 24, 2009

So Many Emotions, So Little Time

Tomorrow is a big day at the Lane house. Momma & Pop will renew their wedding vows as they celebrate 25 years of marriage. They will leave for a short 2nd honeymoon. Then I will go back home to NC with the rest of my family.

Today was a wonderful day. Momma, Jessica, and I spent time together; we got a pedicure, my first time ever! I have coral toes now; my feet don't know what to think of that! :) We went shopping for things for tomorrow's ceremony. I bought a bunch of books and a couple gifts for people and a game for my kids to play. We helped decorate the church tonight.

So many things to do tonight and tomorrow before we all part company again for only God knows how long this time. So many, many emotions I am feeling today. I wish Rob were here with me.

Momma really scared me today. I know she'll maybe eventually read this and figure it out - shoot, Momma already knew it. But we almost ended up calling 911 or driving her to the ER, and then she tells us later that she thought maybe she was dying. I'm still a little concerned about her, but won't tell her. :)

I am happy for my parents. Pop was a blessing to us all. I am thrilled for Momma; Pop has been a good husband to her and she, a good wife to him. My daddy would not have wanted Momma to be alone for the rest of her life. I am missing my daddy though- a lot-more than I have in a long time. I am missing the family of my daddy that I never got to really know. I am missing my uncle and the one grandpa who was really a true grandpa and loved me through my life. I am missing my family back home and so not wanting to say goodbye to my family here again. I will miss the corn, the Mississippi, the wide open land (comparatively speaking of course). I will miss my friends. I will miss thunderstorms (real ones) and the beautiful wild prairie flowers and grasses that grow on the roadsides here and in small restored prairie plots.

God, I know you are in control of all our lives. Please help me make it through these topsy-turvy emotions and the big day tomorrow. Please help me not to cry tomorrow. And Father, I know I have to do Your will and teach far from my "home" and those I love most dearly, but if You could, please God, could we come home again soon? I need my family and these few friends I have here in the Midwest. I need them, God. I'll trust You as best I can, and I give myself to You most willingly 'cuz I know You know what's best for us all.

Your Rebekah :)