Saturday, November 06, 2010


So thankful for God and for His unconditional love.
He doesn't give up on you, even when others do.
He doesn't keep a record of wrongs, even though He, of all beings, has every right to.
He doesn't burden you with guilt over wrongs or supposed-wrongs.
He doesn't turn His back on you, or betray you. In fact, He promised to never leave or forsake.

He loves me. There is no "he loves me not" bit- even though I am queen of feeling like He might not. I don't deserve His love, but He gives it to me anyway.

And tonight, I am so thankful for that and so in need of it. I wish He could just come down here to my house in G'boro, and give me a hug.

Love my family!

Thank God for home and weekends with my family. That about wraps it up.

Been a tough week. But today the sun is shining, and I got to watch our oldest help Rob install the dishwasher, which came today. It was sooooo neat to watch the two of them work on it together and to see our son doing the wiring. It feels so nice to see him doing what he wanted to do and know we helped him get there. That feeling of pride and satisfaction is so worth all the hard days of raising him!!!!

I have to get on to the groceries, supper, cleaning & restoring the kitchen, schoolwork, grad work, life in general. Hope to catch my sister on Skype later. Just started doing that this week, and I love it! I'm off now to go get groceries and a turkey!!!!! My Momma & Pop will be here in 17 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, but hey- who's counting? ;) I am so excited to see them, and give them a TON of hugs and love and get some Momma hugs and her shoulder to cry on for a tiny little bit. I miss my family horribly. I am very thankful to God that they are getting to come be with us and see our home and just be together for a little while.

Have a good weekend all!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

nothing much

I don't have much time- schoolwork is screaming at me to be done and I haven't touched grad school assignments yet this week- I'm in serious trouble! I just feel bad because I haven't had much to say lately on here, and I wish I did.

I try to stay positive, but am just not feeling it tonight. I am tired (very, very tired- I stayed home from school yesterday and actually slept all day- something I NEVER EVER do!), a bit discouraged- okay, a lot, and frustrated at some behaviors from kids and adults.

I know things will be better another day, and I know I can survive. I keep saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I just honestly don't want to do all things through Christ sometimes. I want an easier path just now at this moment. I want to throw myself down in the floor, kick my feet, and scream really, REALLY loudly! :) What a sight that would make. :) Hahahahaha.

Well, enough pity party and on to the papers to grade, PEP's to write, math report cards & reading report cards to make, lesson plans, and professional self-evaluation (oh what a thrill that's going to be on this sour-puss night), and grad school- well, it won't be happening again tonight.

On a happy note though- I am getting a dishwasher! :) :) :) Cannot wait! Saved my summer institute $ that didn't get paid until last month and with just a little of our money this month, we are going to replace the one that broke shortly after moving in here. It's the cheapest one Lowe's had, but I am just grateful to have one. So thankful for that. It will help a lot to have that!!!!!

Bye all! Hope you have a great end to your week and an even better weekend! Fall is finally here in NC, and in less than three weeks I will see my Momma & Pop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beka :)