Saturday, November 24, 2007

Giving Thanks

I'm thankful for so many, many things. God, thank you for:
  • Your way of salvation
  • Your unending love & mercy
  • putting up with my many, many faults and still loving me somehow for some reason
  • giving me a momma & a daddy that loved me and wanted me and brought me into this world & who started me on the path to knowing you
  • giving me an adopted dad who loves me like his own and who has been a good father and terrific grandfather to my kids and a dad to Rob too
  • allowing me the privilege of growing up in a Christian home where I was taught about You and saw a Godly example before me every day so that I know what is right & wrong and how to live for You
  • a sister who loves me even though we haven't always gotten along or agreed on everything
  • sending me Rob (and at such a young age too) to be my husband, love, best friend, father of my children, and my life-mate
  • giving us three beautiful & wonderful children whom I adore and couldn't imagine life without
  • helping Rob & I to survive the bad times in our marriage and hang on to see these good days
  • helping us through all the past troubles- money, housing, cars, college, sickness, no food, no sleep, no money, no time, no patience, sometimes no love...
  • helping us through our current troubles- money, car, kids, work, no sleep, no money, no family nearby but our crew of 5
  • being with me when I feel so lonely, down, homesick, stressed out, tired- or more like exhausted, sick...
  • guiding our steps wherever they have gone
  • being with us when our family was in the Philippines and our problems were monumental
  • being with us always
  • all the "material" blessings you've provided for us- food when we need it, a vehicle to drive, and help to fix them when they've broken, clothes on our backs, Christmas for the kids many times when we didn't have it to do, a place to stay warm and dry- and now such a nice place to live on top of it
  • all the times You've shown yourself to us- in a rainbow as we moved, giving us peace when Rob enrolled in college full time, being with Matthew when he was airlifted and we were told he probably wouldn't live 24 hours.
  • a good church & pastors (for the time we've had it)
  • being with family as often as we can
  • helping us to raise this family of ours and for your continued help to get the job done and done well
  • all the help you give to us and for going with us each day to our classrooms and helping us to love and provide for our students' needs
  • allowing our family to come here for this holiday- even though it hurts to see them leave again
  • giving my momma five more years with us than she could have had or I thought she might- may you bless her and all of us with many, many more years of good health and wonderful times and memories together
  • promising to never leave us or forsake us
  • seeing us through to the end of our race

God, I'm so much more thankful than I can ever say or express to you, but I know You see my heart and You can see all the things I think of but can't quite get out.

Thank you God.


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