Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bring the Rain

Mercy Me sings:
"I am Yours regardless of the clouds that may loom above... You who made a way for me, suffering your destiny. So, tell me what's a little rain? So I pray, bring me joy, bring me peace. Bring the chance to be free. Bring me anything that brings you glory. I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise you, then Jesus bring the rain."

Okay, God, no matter what I'm going to praise You. So if you must, well, bring on the rain. I'm ready because I know You go with us. :)

Romans 8:35-39 (my paraphrase) Who shall separate me from God's love? In anything that comes my way, I will finish this journey with Him because He loves me (even when I doubt myself or how He could possibly love me). I am convinced that there is nothing on this earth, no problem, no sickness, no lack of strength, no trial, no person, no power, nothing in the past or the future, no self-doubts or worries that can keep me from God's love.


  1. okay now that's just freaky... no FREAKY in the big capital letter sense.

    for real, today on klove at work they play this song. i never heard it - i like it - it fits with what i'm experiencing so i go to itunes and download it today!!!!!

    and play it before a meeting.

    that is so wierd

  2. it's one of my very favorite songs

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    It's one of my favorites also! And it's so true. Rebekah, I love the mountain top and enjoy living there, but it has been in the deep valleys where my faith in God has drawn deep roots and the closeness and intimacy with Him has come in the valleys.

  4. Momma,
    I decided to post this because of what you said to me in that email about "trusting my judgement" and that I should share those times when God is there.... So I did. I know not many people read this besides you, but if someone does, maybe it will help them.
