Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to the Hospital I Go

I'm off to Wake University/Baptist Hospital for my second night. :( I miss my family, and HATE being away from them. I'm supposed to sleep and rest, but will not do either very well without my family near me. Oh well, I'll make it.

I just feel really lousy again, can't miss work, and don't want to go. Waaaaaa....

Okay, shower time and leaving.


  1. so are you still awake?

  2. Well, it's 9:30 on Wednesday, and yes, I'm still awake. Don't want to be, but it's me, the insomniac with too much to do. I'm trying to get all Robert's graduation announcements and party invites printed before sleeping.

    And I even survived today with 9 extra kids (grades K-5) in my room until almost 1:00. I hate EOG's! They cause the older grade teachers too much stress, the kids way too much stress....
