Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July

First of all, I'm so happy to have taken my first fireworks photos successfully! They may not be the best, but I'm just thrilled to have gotten some at all!

Second, and most importantly, thank you God for freedom! Freedom to worship You and live for You without the fear of imprisonment, death, or any other punishments. Please help me to not take that for granted. Thank you for a country, though not without many faults, that allows its citizens freedom. Please help me to remember my brothers and sisters in other nations who do not have these same freedoms.

Third, thank You Father for the men and women who have served my country to give us these freedoms, who have served faithfully when their country called them, and who have given their lives either through death or through life-changing injuries for our nation and citizens.

I always think of my daddy on the 4th. Tonight I also thought of my cousin's husband, Phillip, who was severely injured in Afghanistan two years ago. Of his injuries and the pain he has been in. Of how his life must have been completely and totally changed as a result of his faithful service, and not just his life, but the lives of his wife and children and family. How many other soldiers' stories are like that, and how much are they appreciated? I know what I must do tonight before I go to sleep, thank that soldier and his family.

Thank you God!

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