Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Days & Backaches

Made it through another "first day" of school. It was a rather stressful and eventful morning in my classroom with some screaming, hitting, kicking, and punching, but it will get better I know. I left today hunched over and trying to stand up straight and HURTING!!!!!!!!!!! I broke down and called the dr. to ask for something to help me make it until I see someone else... yeah, that didn't go so well. I have to just be tough and "be patient" until I can get an appointment with the neurosurgeon. I'm so sick of dr.'s visits, tests, and waiting, but I'm trying my best to be patient. Mostly I just want to feel good and be done with all these aforementioned items and the bills that come with them.

Signing off for tonight, this is one pooped K teacher,
Rebekah :)

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