Friday, December 12, 2008

Today my little one returned to school. I was so sad to know he is hurting, and to understand the hurt he feels as I felt it too, and to not be able to do anything to help him but hug him, pray for him, and wish I could take it all away and make his mom come back. I cried all the way to the bus lot, and tried to hide it well enough to get the kids on their buses.

Don't feel like much thinking, talking, or really much of anything tonight. Going to veg out.

But, this quote was in an email I received today, and I liked it.

Life is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after.
I hope my life is a true gift to God, to my family, and to the children and families that I serve. When my time comes, I hope I can see from above that I touched lives and made an eternal difference in these lives.


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Love you hon! I know you really could feel his pain! I'm sorry you had to hurt, but I'm glad you were there for him and that you were able - are able to help him.

  2. Don't know how I can really help, but then I look back and think of Mr. Gilliam. What did he really do? Yet, he was a light in each school day that helped me get through the rest of that school year, and I often went and visited him my 7th grade year too.
    And I remember you taking me back to visit him that one summer (or we tried to anyway). He meant a lot to me! So maybe, in some way, I will help this little one.
