Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break Accomplishments

Well, I set a few goals for myself over break, with the biggest one being to relax, rest, and not work too much.

I'd say "Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!!!!!!" What a wonderful week home with some of my family and all these things completed:
  • flower beds planted & mulched
  • lawn mowed & many of the leaves cleaned out- still a TON to go in the back but that can wait for other days
  • two chapter books read- my students will be so excited that I met the reading challenge with them! :)
  • cooking some good meals
  • housework
  • sleeping in a couple days (which means really just waking up at normal time but catnapping for a while)
  • taxes finished & filed
  • menu planned & groceries bought
  • curtains finally found for my living room (after trips to three different Walmarts!!!)
  • quality time with Barbara & Robert (Barbara especially, so much fun!)
  • limited work (only 2 hours in my room on Friday and lesson plans & homework packets just done late tonight!)

It's past my bedtime, so I'm signing off. Goodbye spring break 2009! Back to work I go!


  1. so are your chapter books the same as theirs or is your reading level higher? :)

  2. ha ha ha, very funny!!!! i'm still reading frog & toad, but hey, this year i actually learned how to add and i can now count to 100 by 1's, 2's, 5's, & 10's!!!!

    so there :)

  3. WOW that is quite the list! Amazing!

    I feel good when I write out a to do list and scratch them off as I go.

    And sometimes, I like to write stuff I've already done and put a strike through it as well. It all counts! :)
