Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy 17th Birthday Matthew

Today is my "baby's" 17th birthday!!! :) He is 17 and 6'4" and hopefully he'll stop growing one of these years. :) We've had a nice evening. Barbara & I took Robert to work (the only down part of it all- us not all being together) then we met Rob & Matthew at the army-navy surplus store where Matthew was able to get a combat uniform in the air force tiger stripe pattern that he wanted thanks to his brother and sister helping us; we all pitched in and got that and an Air Force t-shirt for him.

Matthew and I went to Wally-world and picked up some things we needed for his supper. Matthew wanted to cook supper tonight so while he did that I made his birthday cake and a HUGE batch of pico de gallo for us and for work tomorrow.

I'm soooo sleepy, and going to just call it a night soon I think. It's been a nice day. A quiet, peaceful, no-stress and no conflict day in my classroom. My kids were soooo well behaved, and that even in spite of having to be in the room without specials today. They were so quiet you could hear a pin drop for a while. I'm not the kind of teacher that is bothered by noise, but it was kind of nice for a few minutes to have such peacefulness. Then even when they worked in learning stations they were quiet. And no one was shh-ing us which was soooo wonderful!!!! That was absolutely heavenly. Shh-ing just has been like fingernails down a chalkboard to me this year- never knew that before about me... Oh, and one of my kids did sooooo well today on assessments... I almost fell out of my chair in excitement and the thrill of pride I felt for him!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this was a wonderful day- for me and hopefully for my birthday boy! Thanks God!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Momma5:33 PM

    So glad - enjoy those "special" days - years later you will still treasure them.
