Sunday, February 21, 2010

ready for spring

i remember being so bummed at the beginning of january feeling like the next few months were going to creep by oh so slowly... not sure i could make it to the end of the year... i just realized tonight that it's about the end of february already! WOW!!! the year is going faster than i thought it would.

spring is just around the corner here in my part of the world. (don't be a hater momma!) the sun is rising earlier and setting a little later. i am thankful for more sunlight. i love winter and oh so deeply have missed winter weather (though we've had quite a bit for n.c. this year!), but i'm ready for the dark days of winter to come to an end. i've been hearing birds singing in the early morning hours as we get ready for work and when we leave. definitely a good sign of spring's coming. and today, rob told me my daffodils we brought with us from the old house last spring are just coming up. YEAH!!!! they survived and soon i will see some color in our dead backyard!

the only downer part of this is the allergies that come with spring's coming. i must have been crazy to have tree pollen issues and moved from the fairly tree-less Iowa/Illinios to the southeast. what was i thinking???? :) i am not feeling too hot and the "issues" i have had in the past with my ears, sinuses, tinnitus, dizziness are kicking in. i have a few months of icki-ness ahead of me before it eases back off.

hope you all have a wonderful week filled with sunny skies and good days!


  1. I got SO SICK my three years in Northern VA - and now I have to adjust to the pollen here in southest WA too. But, there are more evergreens, I think it helps with less pollen?

    I am so eager for spring (= marathon training season. I love running!)

    Happy Monday, Rebekah!

  2. I have been thinking of you Ruh and hoping you are feeling better!

    Have fun with all your training! I'm enjoying getting out for walks again.

  3. Momma7:04 PM

    What is sunshine? It has been so long since we have had a sunny day - I have forgotten what they look like. Today and tomorrow is going to be COLD but maybe we will start warming up soon.
