Wednesday, March 03, 2010

not what a parent wants to hear

today we had some (not THE, but some) of the worst words we would have never imagined said to us. it might just be me, but the word "stabbed" and your child's name should NEVER be uttered in the same sentence!

but thanks be to God that all is okay, the damage was not great, and we are going to live to survive yet another parenting experience. and when my kids are out of the house, i'm moving to barbados and not leaving a forwarding address. :) haha


  1. Momma4:00 PM

    Would you let me know where you move to? I promise not to tell the kids. :)

  2. hahahaha- If you'll have me Momma, I'll pass on the address. Though you might want to move to your own private island and get away from your kids too. :)
