Saturday, March 20, 2010

Welcome Spring 2010!!!

Happy 1st Day of Spring everyone! My condolences to my momma who is getting snow on her first day of spring. :) I can't send you real flowers right now Momma, so I'm "sending" you these to make you think of spring until the real one gets to you there in the cold north. :) I took this photo a couple springs ago and thought you might like it.
It's been a busy but good day. I had my Saturday grad class today (ugh!). The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS today! Last night I came home from school and put together two dishes of lasagna and put them away for today. Rob took care of making some bread and a salad and put the lasagna in the oven for us. When lunch break came, three classmates came home with me and we ate on our lunch out on the deck. It was so nice and so hard to go back to class after that. :) The afternoon crept by so very slowly!

Rob had to take Matthew to K'ville for a study group at 2:00, come back to G'boro to drop Barbara off at work at 3:00, and go back to K'ville to pick Matthew up at 4:00. I got out of class and my after class study group in time to spend a few minutes with Robert who practiced driving himself to work. Then I came home, pruned the artemesia in our flower beds, pruned my peach tree, did a little (very little) raking and cleaning out the leaves, sat on the deck with my feet propped up and began working on the next round of grad assignments, readings, and projects. I sat there working and thanking God, once again, for the blessings He has given me and for the wonderful blessing this house is to us. I don't know how He did it or why, but I know there could not be anyone more grateful than I am to Him for this home He gave us!!! Even now after a year of living here, it seems just almost too-good-to-be-true at times!

So now I'm off to do something, I don't know what. I'm so tired and might just relax a bit tonight before working like a mad-woman. Who knows with me, I like to live dangerously like that. ;) hahahahaha

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