Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Standing Ovation

Work- well according to a lot of people, we teachers stink and nothing we do is good enough. We are villains and worse....

BUT, I don't care what anyone says, I have to be doing something right. And though it won't show up on any state EOG or any little "number" these "experts" want to throw around to judge us, I had living proof of my successes and the successes of my students today! And, boy did it make me smile and cry a couple tears of joy!

This week, two of my littlest, youngest, and struggling kinders read their first book with "real" reading or great improvements. One of them was really reading- not just making up a story that matches the picture or memorizing the words, but going back and fixing "boo-boo's" (that's what I call mistakes). And my other little one was pointing from left to right and reading from top to bottom and though it wasn't word-for-word matching YET, it was very, very close, and he was using the pattern of the story and the pictures to help him. These are HUGE, HUGE, HUGE steps I tell you!

We read for anyone and everyone- Barbara (who was volunteering today, and two other staff members that I called to come over and listen to my newest readers. My two little ones were positively beaming and one was jumping up and down with excitement and pride in himself. He even asked if he could read to our whole class.

So these two little ones sat down in front of my whole class of mixed K's & 1st's and read their first book to the group. Part way through, several of my 1st graders realized they were "really reading" (quoting one of them who mouthed this to me) and they were cheering and clapping after each page. When it was all done, my 1st graders, spontaneously got up to their feet and were clapping and cheering and gave these two kinders a standing ovation. I have never taught them this and I did not coax them to do so, but I did join them in it.

That was such a HUGE success for us all- for the boys who are learning to read and things are starting to "click." I LOVE these "lightbulb" moments!!! Oh what joy they had on their faces!!!! And success for my 1st graders who are learning to be supportive, caring, compassionate children. And success for me. A long time ago, I set out to help these children become a little family and to learn to care for one another and support each other on the good days and the bad days. I have succeeded.

My children made me proud today- each and every one of them.

And yes, I stood, unashamedly crying in front of all 16 of them!!!


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    That is awesome, Rebekah! How exciting! I shed a few tears just reading it, I can't imagine how proud you must have been for them.

  2. Momma9:21 PM

    AWESOME!!!!! That was a great story! And the kids have a GREAT teacher! She taught them by her example all year. And that lesson - appreciating others - well it may not help them get into college or get a good job - but on what really matters - being a good son/daughter/mother/father/person - you have taught them well!

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Thank you Mrs. Thomas, so glad I looked this up and Thank you for helping my "little man" read.

    Matt's Mom
