Saturday, June 12, 2010

backyard party

Rob & I hosted a backyard party yesterday for my coworkers. We wanted to do something fun for everyone after the long, hard year it's been. I think everyone had fun! I prayed for good weather, and God blessed that. The party was from 12-3, and the storm clouds rolled in at 3PM just as everyone was leaving.
lots of talking :)

Momma, this is Mary, one of our ESL teachers (the one who teaches my kids & one of my favorite people at our school!!!) Mary's little one loved our dog; he crawled all around the yard following Samson. It was so sweet!
We turned on the sprinkler for the kids.

Some of the kids found a ball and played basketball on our driveway.

It was a good day!

1 comment:

  1. I love your new blog layout! I had fun playing with my settings too...just need to get my header in the right spot and I am set :)

    From the pictures I could tell that this was a total blast. All of a sudden I REALLY miss being a kid!
